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Orks! Purge the beasts!

Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains, not because of any claims made about its source. 欧林和我鼓励你看这本书,是因为它包涵的智慧,而非对其来源的任何声明。
Orintal VIP Sauna is well equipped with luxury kriead pool, sunshine pool ,standerd sauna room ,well-found knead room,hairdressing and teproom,,perrect establlshment and full-scels high-quellty service makes you letsure and easeful port. 棕南海健康温泉,配有豪华的按摩浴池,标准的桑拿浴池室、蒸汽浴室、设备齐全的按摩室、推拿室及美容美发室、酒水吧,完善的配备,全方位高水平的亲情服务,构成了一个休闲舒适的港湾。
Orioles are arboreal birds, and when they descend to the ground, it is mainly to gather nest materials. 白头翁主要生活在空中,到地上来时,主要是为了收集建巢材料。
Orion=Star Gate=SG=Sacred Geometry. 猎户星座=恒星门=SG=神的几何学。
Orks aren't the brightest creatures in the galaxy, but they do possess a certain low cunning that can catch an overconfident commander off guard. 他们不管怎么说,都不能算是银河里最聪明的生物,但是其保有的一定的,相对低的,那么些的,一小点智商,也足够懂得怎么样放翻一个骄傲自大、不加防备的指挥官。
Orks! Purge the beasts! 是兽人!净化这些野兽!
Orlando Private Collection is acting only as a consignee of your goods. 销售助理可以在易趣上代别人销售物品。
Orlando and Golden State got 25% of their shots from a single guy. 奥兰多和金州勇士队25%的投篮来自一位球员。
Orlando is nominated in the Teen Choice Awards for Actor in a Drama/Action Adventure for Troy, and for Male Hottie. 这个就是可以得冲浪板回家,比谁打嗝响的青少年选择奖了。开花有两项提名,大家为开花投票吧!!!!!!!
Orlando, a man of nobility starts his search for love, poetry, and a meaning in life in 16th Century England when he is given the blessing of eternal life from Queen Elizabeth I. 先想像一下这个画面:16世纪的英国,年轻贵族奥兰度当上女皇伊利莎白一世的至爱「契仔」,更在女皇驾崩后承继她的物业财产,再与俄罗斯公主相恋,酿成悲剧,然后再穿越时空,到18世纪的中亚担任英国大使。
Orle or Tressure - Preservation or protection. 财物、金银-维持者或保护者。

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