Deposit of granite is quite large ,of fine quality ,enjoying a high process value.
莒县是全国重要的石材基地之一,各种石材储量大,质量好,具有很高的开采利用价值。 |
Deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6 to 8 inches deep at least 200 feet from water, camp, and trails. Cover and - disguise the cathole when finished.
置排泄物的小洞必须六至八寸深,离水源、营地及步道至少两百尺。事毕掩埋并掩饰。 |
Deposit the required amount to HKIM HSBC account 172-3-019178 “Hong Kong Institute of Marketing Ltd.” and fax the receipt together with this reply slip to HKIM office at 2881-6057.
请将金额存入香港市务学会香港汇丰银行户口172-3-019178「香港市务学会」并将收据及本表格传真至2881-6057。 |
Deposit your payment into our Hang Seng Bank current account No. 232-000190-001 directly. Then send or fax your receipt to us for confirmation.
将款项直接存入本社「恒生银行」往来账户﹝#232-000190-001﹞,然后将收据寄回或传真到本社作实。 |
Deposited oil and grease must be removed using solvent.
残留的油脂必须用溶剂除去。 |
Depositing me for safety in a house occupied by two women, the Field Mouse went off to gather information.
地老鼠出于安全的考虑,把我安置在一家住有两个妇女的屋子里,他自己则去探听情况。 |
Deposition of additional thin layers of indium tin oxide and other compounds next to the electrodes altered the interaction of the thicker layers and also improved the efficiency of the injection of holes and electrons, thereby further upping the overall
将薄层氧化铟锡及其他化合物附置在电极旁,可以改变厚层间的交互作用,并改善电洞及电子的注入效率,因而可以进一步增加萤光OLED的整体用电效率。 |
Deposits by correspondence refer to the way in which overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, Chinese of foreign nationality and domestic residents approved to settle down or study abroad authorize domestic banks to handle savings deposi
通信存款是指华侨、港澳台胞、外籍华人及批准出境定居或留学的国内居民,将其在国外的资金委托国内银行办理储蓄存款的一种方式。 |
Deposits in terrestrial copper mines, such as those in the Andes, contain less than 1% copper, and accessing them is difficult and expensive: the tops of huge mountains and vast areas of land must be removed.
像安第斯山的陆地矿藏这样的矿藏开采出的矿石只包含不到百分之一的铜,而且想要接近它们也是困难和昂贵的:巨大的山脉和大量需要移走的区域。 |
Deposits on the other hand are for terms ranging from 1 month to 5 years.
另一方面,存款期限则为1个月到5年。 |
Depots can be sunk into ground and come up anytime.
房子可以埋入地里并在任意时刻升出地面。 |