And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.
20他们就带了他来。他一见耶稣,鬼便叫他重重的抽疯。倒在地上,翻来覆去,口中流沫。 |
And they brought the Ark of the God of Israel there.
于是将以色列神的约柜转运到那里去。 |
And they brought the boy alive and were comforted, and that not moderately.
12他们把那孩子活活的领来,得了不少的安慰。 |
And they brought the captives and the booty and the spoil to Moses and to Eleazar the priest and to the assembly of the children of Israel, to the camp in the plains of Moab, which was beside the Jordan at Jericho.
12将所掳的人,并所获、所掠的牲畜、财物,都带到摩押平原,在约但河边与耶利哥相对的营盘,交给摩西和祭司以利亚撒,并以色列人的会众。 |
And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it, and He sat on it.
7他们把驴驹牵到耶稣那里,把自己的衣服搭在上面,耶稣就骑上。 |
And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.
12有人把那童子活活的领来,得的安慰不小。 |
And they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven.
太9:2有人用褥子抬著一个瘫子、到耶稣跟前来.耶稣见他们的信心、就对瘫子说、小子、放心罢.你的罪赦了。 |
And they buried him in his own sepulchres, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries' art: and they made a very great burning for
代下16:14葬在大卫城自己所凿的坟墓里、放在床上、其床堆满各样馨香的香料、就是按作香的作法调和的香料.又为他烧了许多的物件。 |
And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres, in the mount of Ephraim, on the north side of the hill Gaash.
9以色列人将他葬在他地业的境内,就是在以法莲山地的亭拿希烈,在迦实山的北边。 |
And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah, which is in mount Ephraim, on the north side of the hill of Gaash.
30以色列人将他葬在他地业的境内,就是在以法莲山地的亭拿西拉,在迦实山的北边。 |
And they buried him in the land of his inheritance, at Timnath Heres in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash.
9以色列人将他葬在他地业的境内,就是在以法莲山地的亭拿希烈,在迦实山的北边。 |