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Her playing puts mine in the shade.

Her piano is in tune . 她的钢琴声音很准。
Her piano playing is absolute magic . 她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化.
Her pictures sell for quite large sums now but who is to say whether they will stand the test of time. 她的画现在销售量很大,可谁又能说准这些画是否经得起时间的考验呢。
Her plan doesn't work, however, so to get revenge, Xin Xin declares that she'll have a mixed Earthling-Martian baby with ET. 失败之后,作为报复,她向小博宣布,要与ET生养一个地球人与火星人的混血。
Her plastic surgeon, Cesar Morillas, one of the most sought-after in Peru, told reporters he had never claimed to be the creatorof Mantilla. 这个整形医生,切萨尔·莫里拉丝,是秘鲁很著名也很受欢迎的整形医生之一,却告诉记者说,他从来没有声称自己是玛丽亚的“创造者”。
Her playing puts mine in the shade. 她的演奏使我相形见绌。
Her plight exposed the limits on judicial autonomy in China and the political retribution faced by judges. 她遭遇的困难暴露了司法独立的种种限制以及法官面临的政治压力。
Her plot to turn this country into a dependency of Spain was unpopular. 她将这个国家变为西班牙附属国的计划不得人心。
Her poems are still in manuscript . 她的诗尚未付印.
Her poems often arrive fully conceived. 她的诗作通常来自于想象。
Her poetry has an elegiac quality. 她的诗有伤感的情调.

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