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The method based on fuzzy logic resulted its decision outputs from the commanders' personal characters, experience and the environment in the battle field and these outputs were taken as the information sources for the senior commanders' decision-making m

The method allows users to change constraints to implement interactive mining, and also facilitates the users to focus the mining on their interesting patterns. 该算法允许用户不断改变限制条件,实现交互式挖掘,而且可将挖掘的目标仅仅聚焦到其感兴趣的模式上,这不仅适用于对数据库进行插入操作,还适用于删除、修改操作。
The method also permits inverse design with flaps, specification of geometric constraints (thickness, camber, etc.). 办法还允许逆向设计皮瓣、几何约束规格(厚度、拱等).
The method and contents to build up the drought early warning system for agriculture based on the application of the risk analysis technique for drought control are described in detail herein; for which the practice shows that the drought warning system m 摘要文中对应用干旱风险分析技术建立农业干旱预警系统的内容和方法做了详细介绍,通过实例证明,应用以干旱风险技术为核心的干旱预警系统对农业干旱进行预警是切实可行的,可以为实施防旱抗旱措施提供决策依据。
The method and projects of dynamic design about the loom by use of modem CAD/CAE technique have been put forward in this paper with its feasibility demonstrated. 摘要提出了应用现代CAD/CAE技术进行织机设计与开发的方法和方案,论证了方案的可行性。
The method and theory of time-frequency analysis based on short-time Fourier Transformation are studied and the wave arrival points of easy component are determined by making software and using time-frequency analysis. 研究了基于短时傅里叶变换的时频分析方法理论,并通过编制软件利用时频分析方法确定各组分波的波至点。
The method based on fuzzy logic resulted its decision outputs from the commanders' personal characters, experience and the environment in the battle field and these outputs were taken as the information sources for the senior commanders' decision-making m 基于模糊逻辑的方法所得到的决策输出充分考虑到了指挥员个人的性格、经验以及战场的具体环境,并且这些决策输出将作为上级指挥员决策模型的信息来源。
The method based on likelihood ratio could fuse the information from different sources so as to make a reasonable decision output. 基于似然比的方法能够有效完成资讯融合,从而给出合理的决策结论。
The method based on the principle of maximum entropy (POME) is applied to analyze the distributions of flood forecasting errors for some typical reservoirs in humid and semi-humid regions. 摘要采用最大熵原理(POME)方法,对我国湿润和半湿润地区部分典型水库的洪水预报误差分布规律进行了研究。
The method builds a weighted grey relation matrix of the evaluation indexes for aircraft conceptual design schemes with grey relation theory, then calculates grey relation projection values of the design schemes on the perfect scheme by vector projection 该方法采用灰色关联理论建立各总体设计方案对评价指标集的加权灰色关联判断矩阵,然后利用矢量投影原理计算各设计方案相对理想方案的灰色关联投影值,以灰色关联投影值的大小来评价设计方案的优劣。
The method can accurately determine the reflectivity of a mirror, using combination of linear and folded cavities. 利用直型和折叠型衰荡光腔结合,可以高精度地测定高反镜的反射率。
The method can be applied to slopes with any configuration, different layering and external load distribution. 该方法适用于任意几何形状、不同岩土材料分层以及多种荷载作用的复杂边坡。

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