These kinds of new words have their special features in formation, and meaning.
这些新词在构词、词义、句子结构等方面形成富有时代特色的新特徵。 |
These kinds of records can be invaluable later as we forget things.
这些记录对我们以后遗忘事情时的价值是不可估量的。 |
These kinds of risks suit your consignment.
这些险别适合你要投保的货物。 |
These kittens look exactly alike how can you tell which is which?
这些小猫看上去一模一样--你怎麽能分出哪个是哪个? |
These kludges are a complex, high-maintenance, aggravating set of distractions for the script writer.
这些组装件对于脚本编写者来说,是一系列复杂的、难以维护且越来越严重的干扰。 |
These knights are indicative of the mail-armoured knight prominent in Western Europe during the medieval period.
这些骑士预示了西欧盔甲骑士的卓越能力。 |
These labels have gum on the back.
这些标签背面有胶水。 |
These laboratories can help the doctors precisely diagnose all neurologic disease.
对各类高难度之神经疾病作精确分析诊断以提供完整的诊疗。 |
These laboratory exercises complement the lectures and assigned readings on statistical analysis of fMRI data.
本实作练习是补功能性磁振造影资料统计分析课堂与指定阅读的不足。 |
These laid-off workers need money, vocational training and support.
这些下岗工人需要资金,需要职业培训,还需要支持。 |
These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity.
这些土地依法永远归我们家族所有. |