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This paper introduces the engineering bacteria LEY 7, which are constructed by means of multiple genes transformed spheroplast use Pseudomonas sp.D as receptors and Bacillus lentus RM , Pseudomonas sp. W , and Pseudomonas sp.W as donors.
工程菌LEY7是以假单胞菌D 菌株 (Pseudomonassp.D )为受体 ,以缓慢牙孢杆菌 RM 菌株 (Bacilluslentus RM ) ,假单胞菌W (Pseudomonassp .W )和W (Pseudomonassp .W )为供体 ,用多基因转化原生质球构建而成。 工程菌LEY7能同时降解 种化合物。

This paper introduces structure,function &performance of wheel-disc type brake unit on electric locomotives of AC wagons of 0km/h,emphasizes content such as research,design and testing concerning this unit. 本文介绍了用于0km/h交流货运电力机车轮盘制动单元结构、作用性能,重点论述了轮盘制动单元研究、设计、试验等内容
This paper introduces the VoIP application over WLAN, WLAN's auspice with VoIP mobility and foretells SIP protocal's application over VoIP mobiliry. 本文讨论了WLAN上 VoIP的应用、对移动性的支持,并通过分析SIP协议给出voice over WLAN的移动性解决方案。
This paper introduces the application of PICC7 Microcontroller in the ampoule sterilizer. 本文介绍了PICC7型单片机在安瓿检漏灭菌器中的应用。
This paper introduces the background and theories of Feminine Erotica, and analyzes in details the subreption of its formation in order to indicate the complications encountered by Chinese authoresses. 本文通过介绍“身体写作”产生的时代背景和理论基础,分析其内在形成的悖论,从而指出中国女性写作仍然面临的困境。
This paper introduces the conception and design content of the “Growing Parade”, a design work that received award in the 9th Building and Environment Competition in Japan. 介绍了日本第9届建筑环境设计竞赛的获奖作品“成长的旅程”的构思完形过程和主要设计内容。
This paper introduces the engineering bacteria LEY 7, which are constructed by means of multiple genes transformed spheroplast use Pseudomonas sp.D as receptors and Bacillus lentus RM , Pseudomonas sp. W , and Pseudomonas sp.W as donors. 工程菌LEY7是以假单胞菌D 菌株 (Pseudomonassp.D )为受体 ,以缓慢牙孢杆菌 RM 菌株 (Bacilluslentus RM ) ,假单胞菌W (Pseudomonassp .W )和W (Pseudomonassp .W )为供体 ,用多基因转化原生质球构建而成。 工程菌LEY7能同时降解 种化合物。
This paper introduces the identification items and methods of the digital pincers phase volt-ampere meter. 介绍了数字钳形相位伏安表的检定项目及其检定方法。
This paper introduces the major procedures and the methods of making the CAI courseware of "Analysis of Molding dies Structures" by Director 8 0 and of how to realise user interface control by Lingo language 介绍了用 Director8.0制作《冲模结构分析》CAI课件的主要步骤和方法以及如何利用 L ingo语言编程实现用户交互式控制
This paper introduces the mechanism of buffer overflow and the defender FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher). 本文介绍了缓冲区溢出的机理和作者所设计的 FPW(Frame Pointer Watcher) .
This paper introduces the principle and progress of the ESP Electromagnetic Rapping control system , and the method of exploiting Electromagnetic Rapping control system based on PLC。 本文介绍了电除尘器电磁振打控制系统的基本原理,阐述了基于可编程控制器(PLC)开发电磁振打控制系统的实现方法。
This paper introduces the principle of undoing operation in D-Medeler solid modeling system which uses B-rep,as the main representation scheme of solids. 回退操作是以边界表示法为主的实体造型系统 D-Modeler中的一个重要操作;

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