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We got away with it because we didn't play well.

We got a tremendous surprise when she arrived. 她的到来使我们大吃一惊。
We got aboard though the boat was crowded. 虽然船上很拥挤,我们还是上了船。
We got access to an agreement in which F as licensor granted A the exclusive right to produce, advertise, promote and sell products with this brand name in the entire world. 调查表明,F公司许可A公司为全球唯一生产、宣传、推广和销售使用此商标产品的公司。
We got another one to ride the bull! 哦!我们又有一位来骑公牛的!
We got at the last row house, so could not go on. 走到最后一排土坯房,再没有地方可去了。
We got away with it because we didn't play well. 我们侥幸取胜了,因为我们踢得不好。
We got back without accident. 我们平安无事地回来了。
We got caught in a traffic jam in Glasgow, but we made good time on the rest of the journey. 在格拉斯哥我们遇到交通堵塞,但是在后面的行程里,我们加快速度,抢回了时间。
We got engaged on my twentieth birthday. 我们在我二十岁生日那天订了婚。
We got estimates from three different contractors before accepting the lowest. 我们得到三个承包商的报价後, 接受了价钱最低的.
We got estimates from three different contractors before accepting the lowest. 我们得到三个承包商的报价后,接受了价钱最低的.

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