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If argz = θ_0 is not a λ - Borel direction of f'(z), then there exists a sequence of filled circles of f′(z):{d_h}, k=,,…, sueh that n(D_h,f=0)=n(D_h,f=).

Identification of Yizhihao(Artemisia rupestris) and Its Confusable Material Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 一枝蒿与混淆品千叶蓍草的鉴别
Identification of coal block tcxture with core and application 用钻孔煤心鉴别煤层煤体结构及其应用
Identification of physiological race of Setosphaeria turcica in China in 00 中国00年玉米大斑病菌生理小种鉴定
If McDonald's carries hegemonic power, why do Chinese who have a strong sense of national identity and culture succumb to it? 如果麦当劳在推行霸权,具有强烈的民族情感和文化意识的中国人为什么还会屈从于这种霸权呢?
If apply directive prolix in software,the tickler can be resolved. 对该芯片编程时应用软件抗干扰技术——指令冗余,解决了这一技术难题。
If argz = θ_0 is not a λ - Borel direction of f'(z), then there exists a sequence of filled circles of f′(z):{d_h}, k=,,…, sueh that n(D_h,f=0)=n(D_h,f=). 若argz=θ_0不是f~(z)的λ级Borel方向,则存在f(z)的一列λ级充满圆{D_k},k=,…,使得,n(D_k,f=o)=n(Dk,f=l)
If benzoyl peroxide is used as curing agent the mixture will become resin with excellent performance after being solidified at 0~0℃ for h and 80~90℃ for 0 h. If the content of chlorine is above 0% the resin will have better inflame retarding ability. 以过氧化苯甲酰为固化剂,于0~0℃固化 h,80~9℃固化0 h,获得性能优良的树脂,当其氯含量大于0%时,具有较强的阻燃能力.
If design the new product with ADAMS/Car,it will shorten the time of design,reduce the cost and enhance the work efficiency. 如果应用ADAMS/Car进行汽车产品的开发,将会极大地缩短产品开发周期,降低成本,提高工作效率。
If the coating entirely consists of futile TiO_ or Ti_O_ , Ti_ O_ and Magneli phase, its photocurrent-potential property disappears. 若涂层全部由金红石型TiO或Ti_O_ 、Ti_ O_和Magneli相组成时,光电流-电位特性消失。
If the concentration of HgSO_-H_SO_ is dilute the butynoic alcohol will directly hydrate into ketonic alcohol. 当用HgSO_-H_SO_催化时,只生成苯基丙烯基酮产物,如果所用的HgSO_-H_SO_浓度很稀时,炔醇直接水合成酮醇。
If the controller which has better performance and is wieldy like PID can be found, there will be significance in both theory and practice. In this article, several kinds of neural PID controllers are introduced. 而神经网络PID控制技术在其中扮演了十分重要的角色,并且仍将成为未来研究与应用的重点技术之一,这是因为PID类型的控制技术在工业过程控制中仍占有主导地位,如果能发现性能优于PID的控制器,且具有类似PID易于使用的特点,无论在理论还是实践上都将具有重要的意义。

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