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If you take a heat gun and warm the varnish, you can get a spatula under it and peel it off in a single sheet.

If you swim in contaminated water, you may get itchy and irritated eyes and skin, as well as other hay fever-like allergic reactions. 如果你在污染的水游泳,你可能痒了而且激怒了眼睛和皮肤,和其他的像花粉热一样的过敏反应。
If you switch to that radio station, you will hear jazz music. 如果你转到那个广播电台,你就会听到爵士乐。
If you take 7 from 10, what is the remainder? 若你从十拿走了七,剩馀的部分是什麽?
If you take a deep breath you can stay under for more than a minute. 只要深吸一口气就能在水里待上一分多钟。
If you take a fall on a day hike, you may have to spend the night. 如果你在一日徒步中发生坠落事故,你可能不得不独自度过黑夜。
If you take a heat gun and warm the varnish, you can get a spatula under it and peel it off in a single sheet. 如果你用一根加热过的铁管然后弄热这种漆,你可以很容易的用一支小刮刀把它像一张纸一样的撕下来。
If you take a novice dog to sheep and simply let him go, he'll respond to them in one of several ways. 带一条没有经验的狗来到牧场,放开他,他可能有如下表现中的一种。
If you take an interest in English, you'll learn English fast. 如果你对英语产生兴趣,你就会很快学会。
If you take an interest in maths, you will learn it well soon. 如果你对数学感兴趣,你很快就会学好的。
If you take away the pellet, he won't push the bar at all. 如果你把小丸拿走,他就不会再推围栏了。
If you take away the time I've spent on the sidelines, I've featured in just about every game; it's a sign the boss has faith in me and I can't help being happy about that. 如果不算上受伤的日子,我几乎参加了每场比赛,这是原自主教练对我的信任,我对此感到高兴。

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