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In order to pay for his increasing tuition, he tutors on the weekends.

In order to partecipate you must register yourself. 你必须要注册登陆.
In order to partially reconfigure a FPGA, it is necessary to isolate a specific area inside the device and download the bits related to that area. 为了部分的改装FPGA的封装,它是很必要的在设备的内部分离开一块特定的区域,同时下载和控制这个区域有关的位信息。
In order to participate in the contest, however, you will need to return to the contest web site several times to enter and confirm information about your team, and to print out your team's control and summary sheets that you will use when preparing your 为了参加比赛,您还要返回组委会的网站,登陆并确认所有与您的队伍相关的资料,打印出您的队伍的控制和简历页面,这些将在您们准备参赛队的包裹密封的时候用到。
In order to pass, at least one-third of Armenia's eligible voters must approve the measure by at least 50 percent. 上面是叙述亚美尼亚宪法修改的时候全民公决的事,是1/3合格选民参与公决,50%通过吗?
In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we'll accept payment by D/P at sight as the special accommodation. 为了你方在你市场推销我方产品铺平道路,我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,以示特别照顾。
In order to pay for his increasing tuition, he tutors on the weekends. 为了支付逐渐增长的学费,他周末的时候做家教。
In order to pay for my tuition fees, I began to take part-time jobs like being a tutor, salesman and repairman as soon as I entered the university. 为了挣学费,我从一年级就开始兼职工作,包括做家教、做推销员,做修理工等。
In order to pay, the customer must... 要想付款,客户必须,……
In order to perceived a synoptic effect of mind concern on subject of “Electronic Music Patten”, I had choose specific questions in addressing of contemporary media art and the relationship to “Sound Art” which often discussed as continuer. 有关电子音乐图像与当代艺术的关系,或多或少都曾被讨论著,一个概要的观点出发,试著与声音艺术家和他们生活层面的连结寻线,采样文字片段,访谈的叙述多以第一人称为主。
In order to play melodies ,or Blues an Rock lead and accompaniment , you've got to play single notes.It's probably the hardest and most important step in mastering the harp. 为了演奏乐曲旋律,或布鲁斯、摇滚,你必须演奏单音节。对要精通口琴也许是最坚难的、最重要的一步。
In order to position itself for this sacred role, landscape architecture must recover itself as an art of survival but not as descendent of gardening, must revalue the vernacular of the land and people, and must lead the way of urban development by planni 而面对这样的重任,景观设计学必须重归生存和土地监护的艺术,挣脱传统的贵族式“园林艺术”的羁绊,解开有闲士大审美趣味下的缠脚,走向广阔而寻常的土地,寻找大禹的精神、汲取在土地上生存的技术和艺术。

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