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I have a sweet tooth and can't resist eating chocolate and ice cream.

I have a strong desire to blurt out every passage in this book! 我强烈渴望把这本书的每一篇短文都脱口而出!
I have a strong desire to conquer English. 我极度渴望征服英语!
I have a strong desire to work for a large-scale commerce and trading corporation like yours. 长久以业我一直梦想在像贵公司这样大的商贸公司里任职。
I have a strong throwing arm! 我的手臂力大无比。
I have a substantial capital i honourably intend to invest in your country into a very lucrative business venture of which you are to advise and execute the said venture over there for the mutual benefits of both of us. 我有充实的资金,想在你们国家进行能有较丰厚盈利的商业风险投资.这些投资是你提议并参加运营的,从中我们双方都能得到利益。
I have a sweet tooth and can't resist eating chocolate and ice cream. 我喜欢吃甜食,见到巧克力和冰淇淋就想吃。
I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食。
I have a system for archiving files which I do not need on a regular basis to conserve my computer's hard drive space. 我有一套系统可将平时不用的文件归档以节省计算机硬盘空间。
I have a tape of the song. 我有这首歌的录音磁带。
I have a taste for founding, not for owning. 我有一种建设而非拥有的喜好。
I have a ten-year-old boy. 我有一个十岁的男孩。

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