Use this to your creative advantage.
尝试着多听听新出炉的歌曲。 |
Use this verb to introduce yourself, and other people you know to French speaking people.
用这个词将你自己或是其他你认识的人介绍给说法语的人。 |
Use titration to discover the concentration of a solution of hydrochloric acid.
通过滴定确定盐酸溶液的浓度。 |
Use to make acne mask and facial exfoliant, can remove dead skin cells. Origin: Sir Lanka.
用作做暗疮面膜和磨砂膏,可去死皮。产地:斯里兰卡。 |
Use tourism as a bridge and promote the friendship between people from different countries.
以旅游为桥梁,增进各国人民友谊。 |
Use two commas, not one, to set off a nonrestrictive clause in the middle of a sentence.
用两个逗号,而不是一个,来分隔非限制性从句。 |
Use unchecked, run-time exceptions to report serious unexpected errors that may indicate an error in the program's logic.
使用不需检查运行时异常来报告严重的、无法预期的错误,这可能指出程序逻辑中的错误。 |
Use unlined paper, since the presence of lines on paper may hinder the non-linear process of Mapping. If you must use lined paper, turn it so the lines are vertical.
用没有横线的纸,因为纸上的横线会对非线性关系的概念图产生干扰,如果你非用不可,就将线转为竖直着。 |
Use up at one time after open the package; the rest should be deposited in the desiccation.
包装打开后,请一次用完;未用完的产品请存放于干燥处。 |
Use up to seven effects simultaneously.
使用多达七个效应同时发生. |
Use uppercase letters for each word and separate each pair of words with an underscore when naming constants.
当命名常量时,每个单词均大写,单词之间以下划线区分。 |