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Cold regions cover the areas with the average temperature of the coldest month below 0’C.Arid regions cober arid and semiarid areas.

Cold is a prevalent disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
Cold is an ordinary disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
Cold is the privation of heat. 所谓冷就是缺乏热量。
Cold means wealth and dreams. 金是财富,金是梦想。
Cold northerlies will bring rain to Scotland this week. 寒冷的北风本星期将给苏格兰带来雨水。
Cold regions cover the areas with the average temperature of the coldest month below 0’C.Arid regions cober arid and semiarid areas. 寒区是指冬季最冷月平均温度为零度以下地区;旱区包括干旱区和半干旱区。
Cold shots develop from low casting temperature, and dirt spots result from pickup of sand or slag by molten metal. 较低的铸造温度会形成冷疤,熔化金属出现的沙粒或炉渣的累积会导致污点。
Cold sores caused by herpes virus type 1 are very contagious. 一型疱疹病毒造成的唇疱疹是非常易传染性的。
Cold squeezing imported material to shape fibre flow ensuring high quality and conformability. 采用进口材,毛胚、成品均采用冷挤压成型加工,保证金属流线,品质稳定、一致性良好。
Cold storage in a freezer, however can keep foods in good condition for months after the growing season. Yet, foods can be damaged if they are kept too cold. 然而,冷冻柜中的食物可以被保存好几个月直到过了气温不断升高的季节,但是如果过分冷冻食物也要坏掉的。
Cold storage in a freezer, however, can keep foods in good condition for months after the growing season. Yet foods can be damaged if they are kept too cold. 冷冻室冰冻储存可以保证食品在生长期后很长时间保持良好条件。但过冷时食品也会受到破坏。

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