The sticking and printing workshop has many kinds of different sized print machines,which are maintained and operated by highly skilled workers who have rich experiences in the fields of this kind of manufacturing.Their attention to detail and quality con
胶印机生产车间备有多套不同幅面的印刷机械,由从业多年,有着丰富印刷经验的专业技术人员操作、维护,可以保质保速的完成各种包装的印刷。 |
The sticking point in Chinese teaching lies in the fact that Chinese is regarded as a political lesson or as a tool.
摘要把语文课当作政治课或单纯的工具课,是多年来语文教学症结所在。 |
The sticking point of the dispute is that Hu Shi was not able to define some of the concepts arid there were some contradiction between theory arid practice.
冲突的症结主要在于胡适起初对一些概念未能准确地予以界定,其理论和实践也存在一些矛盾和误区。 |
The stiffest competition for these exchanges comes from over-the-counter markets, which handle bespoke bilateral trades, often between banks.
因为这些交易所而进行的最激烈的竞争来自于银行间的预订办理双边贸易的场外交易市场。 |
The stiffness of the elements in this case would be that of a supporting pier or elastomeric bearing pad or a combination of these.
诸单元的刚度则是指支承墩的刚度或弹性支承垫板的刚度或这些的合成的刚度。 |
The stigma gone, Hester heaved a long, deep sigh, in which the burden of shame and anguish departed from her spirit.
海丝特除掉那耻辱的标志之后,深深长叹一声,她的精神就此解脱了耻辱和苦闷的重荷,轻松得简直飘然欲仙了! |
The stigma is the sticky knob at the top of the pistil.
柱头是长在雌蕊最顶端的带有粘性的球。 |
The still of a winter scene is enlivened by the sound of clinging silver bells as horses pull a sled through the woods near Sutton, Vermont.
马儿欢快地穿过萨顿附近的森林,脖铃发出了悦耳的声音使宁静的冬天变得活跃。 |
The still sow eats up all the draff.
不声不响的猪吃光全部的饲料。 |
The stillness of the Runescape Gold sea stirs in waves.
静止的海水荡动时便成波涛。 |
The stillness of the dawn will be exchanged for the noise of the day.
黎明的寂静将会被喧闹的白昼取代。 |