Along with Japanese Seki Takakazu (1640 – 1708) and Briton Newton (1642 – 1727), He is now regarded as the top three great mathematicians in the world at that time.
近人称梅文鼎和日本的关孝和、英国的牛顿为“当时世界的三大数学家”。 |
Along with Javier Mascherano, of Corinthians, Diarra has been identified by Sir Alex Ferguson as the leading contender to fill the void left in United's midfield by the departure of Roy Keane to Celtic this season.
虽然候选人还有科林蒂安斯的马斯切拉诺,迪亚拉已经被弗格森爵士钦点为填补基恩留下空缺的首选。 |
Along with Juve, however, Andreolli's agent, Patrick Bastianelli, is also fielding interest from Torino and Sampdoria.
除了尤文,然而,安德里奥利的经济人帕特里克·巴斯坦尼尔利却表示还有都灵和桑普多利亚想要得到他。 |
Along with Réka Albert, we have used computer simulations and calculations to show that a growing network with preferential attachment will indeed become scale-free, with its distribution of nodes following a power law.
艾伯特与我透过电脑模拟与计算出来的结果显示:具有优先连结的特性并且持续成长的网络,确实会变成无尺度网络,而且其中节点的分布将符合幂次定律。 |
Along with Samp, Materazzi has offers on the table from Atletico Madrid and Villarreal.
与桑普多里亚一起,马德里竞技和比利亚雷亚尔也同样对马特拉起感兴趣! |
Along with Shane Battier, the Rockets now will boast two solid glue guys to do the dirty work for Tracy McGrady and keep things sane in the locker room.
除了巴蒂尔,现在火箭队有两个为麦克格雷迪干脏活的坚定分子,他们的存在还能使火箭的更衣室更为和谐。 |
Along with United Russia, the blindly loyal majority block, the next Duma will most likely have a Communist rump and the Liberal Democrats: a largely comical faux-nationalist outfit also loyal to the Kremlin.
下届杜马里除了始终岿然不动的多数党、愚忠的“统一俄罗斯”外,前来分一杯羹的恐怕还有共产党残余和俄罗斯民主党:他们大多滑稽可笑、操着一口出格的民族主义论调、且同样忠于克林姆林宫,其作用形同鸡肋。 |
Along with a credit squeeze, the measures are limiting the supply of new apartments and forcing many developers out of the industry.
随着信贷的紧缩,这些措施正限制新房供给,并迫使许多开发商退出这一行业。 |
Along with adult's joining, the movement project expands greatly, now had the rock climbing, the mountain glide, the turbulent current skin raft, the surfing, jump jump extremely, the slide (skidding of the wheels, small wheeler) U to jump on land and the
随着成人的加入,运动项目大大地扩展,现在已有攀岩、高山滑翔、激流皮划艇、冲浪、蹦极跳、滑板(轮滑、小轮车)的U台跳跃赛和街区障碍赛等陆上和水上运动项目。 |
Along with advance by sedimentation on the whole, there is alsoerosion backward in the Yellow River del-ta.
黄河三角洲在整体淤进的同时伴随着蚀退。 |
Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards, many people in America take time to help others.
在采购礼物及寄送圣诞卡片的一阵忙乱当中,很多美国人仍会拨出时间去帮助别人。 |