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Liblaa RS,Singer SM, McDevitt HO. Th 1 and Th2 CD4 +T cells in the pathogenesis of organ specific autoimmune diseases[J]. Immunol Today, 1995,16:3439.

Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression. 自立摆脱了被奴役、扣押或压迫的人的自由
Liberty provides complete turnkey services including: design, software development, manufacturing, procurement, integration, testing, installation, training and service. 提供交钥匙服务,包括:设计、软件开发、制造、采购、集成、测试、安装、调试、培训和服务。
Liberty still sings her siren-song to those who dare to listen. 自由依然向那些敢于谛听的人们唱着她的塞壬之歌。
Liberty, equality, fraternity, o`r death;--the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine! 自由平等博爱或死亡——最后一项可要容易办到得多:啊,断头台!
Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. 自由一旦生根,便是株迅猛生长的植物。
Liblaa RS,Singer SM, McDevitt HO. Th 1 and Th2 CD4 +T cells in the pathogenesis of organ specific autoimmune diseases[J]. Immunol Today, 1995,16:3439. 王振和,马宝骊,赵晓娟,等空肠弯曲菌与可提取核抗原的分子交叉反应[J].上海免疫学杂志,1995,15:1.
Libra appreciates elegance. Candles, formal wear and mirrors work well. New clothes are good, especially anything with a top-notch[6] designer label. 天秤座的人讲求优雅。蜡烛,正式的服装和镜子都不错。新衣服,尤其是有一流设计师标签的当然更好啦。
Libra bosses are just fine until it's time to make a tough decision. 天秤座的老板一直很好,直到他们必须做出强硬的决定时。
Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow. 天秤座:哎,你还没想好明天该穿什么呢,怎么能睡得着呢?
Libra does their best to make sure everyone gets equal portions. 天秤座仔细比较着每个人食物的分额是否一样。
Libra is still standing in front of the closet trying to decide on a costume. 天秤座还在衣柜前左右为难不知穿哪套衣服好。

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