just listen to me, i was like youhe said.
“听我的没错,我是过来人。”他说。 |
justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.? (R v Sussex Justices; Ex parte McCarthy [1924] 1 KB 256 at 259.
如果程翔是在上述的公正透明的司法程序下,根据由民主程序订立的法律被定罪,而且证据确凿,他一定罪有应得。那麽,程翔便是国家的敌人,出卖国家,五年太少。 |
let me look at the egg which won't crack,said the old duck.You may be sitting on a turkey's egg!
年长的鸭子说:“让我看看那枚不会裂开的蛋,你或许是坐在一枚火鸡的蛋上! |
likenessThis word has reference to mental capacity.
“样式”一词在这儿指精神上的能力。 |
lima is the capital of...er...peru.
利马的首都是...嗯...秘鲁. |
love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong.
爱是给予我们这个有问题的不完善的世界的。 |
moments before sunset, a dust cloud settles slowly around tall saguaros after a violent windstorm in sonora, mexico.
“在墨西哥索诺拉州一场风暴后的日落前瞬间,一团尘雾缓缓萦绕着高大的仙人掌树。” |
more hurricanes, wars, and other disasters are on the way, and a lazy bunch of self-satisfied lunatics are still running the show.
“更多飓风、战争和其他灾难正在向我们逼近,而一大群自鸣得意的疯子还在继续上演着这出闹剧。” |
my barrette is seized by coral!
“我的发夹被珊瑚的手抓住了!” |
my god, how come i am the daughter of death the god?” daisy cannot believe that.
“上帝啊,死神怎么可能是我的父亲?”黛丝不敢相信这是真的。 |
my hope is that sanity could return to this chamber,judiciary committee chairman arlen specter, republican of pennsylvania, groused on the floor wednesday morning. if it existed, it is gone.
我希望公正和理智能够重回这个议厅,司法委员会主席,宾西法尼亚共和党阿伦。斯派克特在周三上午发言时抱怨说,“若公正和理智曾经存在过的话,现在却消逝殆尽了。” |