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If you tell anybody the secret I told you, I'll punch your lights out.

If you talk of the Devil, he will appear. 如果谈论恶魔,它将会出现。
If you talk politics, talk - don't argue. (Steer clear of arguments about American politics, even if someone is attacking US politicians or policies. Agree to disagree. 你若想讨论政治,记住重点是讨论,不是争论—即使有人攻击美国政治,也不要吵。
If you talk too fast, slur your words or have an accent, ever a foreigner who seems to speak perfect English will have a hard time following you. 如果你讲话太快,吞音或有口音,即使讲一口流利英语的外国人也很难听懂你的话。
If you tease him, he becomes hot with anger. 如果你戏弄他,他会生气的。
If you tell a friend you can rank higher. 推荐您的朋友可以提升自己在网站的位次。
If you tell anybody the secret I told you, I'll punch your lights out. 如果你告诉别人我对你所说的秘密,我会把你的眼睛都打出来。
If you tell him your problem, he says you bother him. 如果你告诉他你的问题,他说你麻烦。
If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item, a notice of your dispute must be included any time the information provider reports the item to a credit bureau. 如果你告诉你争一个项目信息提供商、通知你什么时候必须列入争端信息提供商向信用局报告项目.
If you tell your children to do something, be sure to put some teeth in your decision. 假如你要孩子做事,必须表明你认真肯定的决定。
If you tend to fade out2 on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice3 up your lagging4 routine. 如果你周末容易放松自己的训练计划,安排一些和朋友们一起进行的有趣的活动,给自己单调呆板的健身活动增添趣味。
If you think I will give him my support, you are all wet. 要是你认为我会支持他,那你就大错特错了。

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