Such ancient medical books as Plain Question and The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion recorded that some acupoints are not allowed to needle.
摘要《素问》和《针灸甲乙经》等古医籍中记载了一些禁针慎针腧穴。 |
Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.
有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。 |
Such apparatuses are equipped with the special system for the processing of the tail gas from fermentation, which can increase the feeding volume by over 5%.
本公司专门研制开发的小型实验专用系列发酵成套系统,可满足各种生物培养条件的要求,并且设备配有特殊发酵尾气处理系统,可合装料容积提高5%以上。 |
Such application was evident in Egypt at least 2,000 years before Archimedes walked this earth.
这样的运用显然早于阿基米德行走在地球上至少2000年前。 |
Such applications include those where the valve (1) is too large or has too high a differential shut-off pressure for manual operation; (2) is not accessible for manual operation; (3) is part of a system requiring simultaneous operation of many valves; (4
这种装置主要应用在下列阀门上:(1)太大或具有很高的关闭压差,以至于人工无法关闭;(2)操作人员无法接近操作;(3)作为系统的一部分,要求许多阀门同步操作;(4)必须进行远程控制,对于危险区域的紧急关闭常常是不可缺少的。 |
Such applications typically need high transaction rates, coupled with very low latency for transactions, and they impose stringent durability and availability requirements.
这些应用要求有很高的传输率,加上低的传输延迟,他们要求有严格的持久性和高的可靠性。 |
Such approaches as psycho-cybernetics, Carnegie's think and growth rates, or the power of positive thinking are western attempts to tap the same higher intelligence that we contact through meditation.
类似心理控制论、卡耐基思想、增长率、或者积极思考能力等观点是西方开拓高智能的办法,而我们是通过沉思冥想来和高智能联系的。 |
Such aprospect is alarming Afghanistan's neighbours; they have watershortages of their own to worry about, without losing the Afghansurplus.
现在他们还在用阿富汗的水,但水的短缺已经在困扰他们了。 |
Such are our products, much more advanced.
这就是我们的产品,先进得多了。 |
Such are the bare bones of the plot.
这些就是情节的梗概。 |
Such are the demands in the ort of the Athlete of the Century and the Oarsome Foursome.
这是本世纪最佳运动员所从事的运动,也是无敌4人组所从事的运动。 |