On a deeper,spiritual level,I have seen again and again how,if you can embody compassion and act out of the heart of compassion,you will create an atmosphere in which the other person can be inspired to imagine the spiritual dimension or even take up spir
第二是较深的精神层面:我一再看到,如果你能将慈悲付诸行动,就能创造一种气氛,激发他人的精神层面,或甚至开始修行。 |
On a desk in a reception room: We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left.
接待室的桌上:三个一轮!我们要毫不留情地赶走第三个推销员!注:第二个刚刚离开。 |
On a desk in a reception room: We shoot every 3rd salesman,andthe 2nd one just center.
接待室的桌上:三个一轮!我们要毫不留情地赶走第三个推销员!注:第二个刚刚离开。 |
On a dramatic game finished in a draw which meant a replay just two nights later.
决赛中比赛十分精彩,两队最终战成1:1平手,不得不在两天后进行一场重赛,已决定最后的冠军归属。 |
On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, the two peaks is an enchanting landscape as they appear and disappear amidst drifting clouds.
在春天或秋天,细雨纷纷云遮雾绕之时,两座山峰时隐时现,真是一个迷人的景象。 |
On a failure, the attacker stands dazed for 1 round from the psionic backlash.
如果豁免失败,攻击者将会因灵能反冲而晕眩一轮。 |
On a failure, the user must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 5) to avoid brainburn (see below).
如果检定失败,使用者必须通过感知检定(DC=5)以避免灵能灼流(见下文)。 |
On a family vacation in Tanzania, Africa, 16-year-old Matthew Burrard-Lucas took it.
16岁的英国少年卢卡斯与家人在非洲坦桑尼亚度假的时候拍下了这张照片。 |
On a farm in Wisconsin, a breeder is calling this calf a freak of nature.
威斯康辛州的一个农场里,饲养员把这头小牛称作“自然界的怪物”。 |
On a field trip with the students, I listened to a professional trainer describe how he had taught African crested cranes to stop landing on his head and shoulders.
在一次和学生们同行的实地考察中,我听一个专业驯兽师讲述他如何让非洲黄冠鹤不要降落在他头和肩上。 |
On a final note, if you are an excessive snorer, and constantly get complaints from friends and loved ones, look at your lifestyle very carefully first.
最后提醒一下,如果你是一个打鼾特别严重的人,而且经常有亲人和朋友向你抱怨,那么你要先仔细的检查一下自己的生活习惯。 |