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A: Now and then he is absent-minded.

A: Not very much. It's something like hockey, except that you use a big ball and no stick. 不大一样。足球有点像曲棍球,不过足球是用大球,而且没有球棍。
A: Not yet. Mr Chen bought the house for investment purposes. I heard that he is going to have someone change the carpet and repaint the house first. 还没有。业主买这房子是投资用的。听说业主将安排工人更换地毯和翻新墙壁。
A: Not. Tax registration certificates are just like an identification card .They can not be lent ,scribbled, forged or purchased. 不能。税务登记证像居民身份证一样,不仅不能借用,也不能涂改、伪造和买卖。
A: Now I have something urgent to deal with. 我现在有急事需要处理。
A: Now I've got a few questions. Let's see ... Can you type? 那么我有几个问题要问。嗯……你会打字吗?
A: Now and then he is absent-minded. 他时不时就心不在焉。
A: Now the mushroom is a eciality here . Do you like mushrooms? 这个时候蘑菇是这里的特色菜。你喜欢蘑菇吗?
A: Now the mushroom is a speciality here. Do you like mushrooms? 这个时候蘑菇是这里的特色菜。你喜欢蘑菇吗?
A: Now this is our office block. We have all the administrative department here. Sales, Accounts, Perso el, Market Research and so on. 这是我们的办公区。我们所有的行政部门都设在这儿:销售部、会计部、人事部、市场调研部等。
A: Now this is our office block. We have all the administrative department here. Sales, Accounts, Personnel, Market Research and so on. 这是我们的办公区。我们所有的行政部门都设在这儿:销售部、会计部、人事部、市场调研部等。
A: Now you're a coach. 现在你当上了教练。

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