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Come, we'll have a word between ourselves.

Come, now... surely you know that wherever history is being made I, Volo, will be there to chronicle events. 瓦罗彻普:现在,来吧···你一定知道不管哪里正在发生历史事件,我,瓦罗,就会在那儿把它记载下来。
Come, stir, stir, stir! The second cock hath crow'd, the curfew-bell hath rung, 'tis three o'clock: Look to the baked meats, good Angelica: Spare not for the cost. 来,赶紧点儿,赶紧点儿!鸡已经叫了第二次,晚钟已经打过,到三点钟了。好安吉丽加,当心看看肉饼有没有烤焦。多花几个钱没有关系。
Come, they say, let me get some wine, And let us drink down some liquor; And tomorrow will be like today, Only much more abundant. 12他们说,来罢,我去拿淡酒,我们饱饮浓酒;明日必和今日一样,并且更为丰盈。
Come, veiled Queen of Night! 来吧蒙纱的黑夜女王!
Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country. 10来吧,我们不如用巧计待他们,恐怕他们多起来,日后若遇什么争战的事,就连合我们的仇敌攻击我们,离开这地去了。
Come, we'll have a word between ourselves. 来,我们私下说句话。
Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 诗34:11众弟子阿、你们当来听我的话.我要将敬畏耶和华的道、教训你们。
Come, you are too severe a moraler: as the time, the place, and the condition of this country stands, I could heartily wish this had not befallen; but, since it is as it is, mend it for your own good. 照此时此地的环境说起来,我但愿没有这种事情发生;可是既然事已如此,替自己谋算个好办法吧。
Come,let me love you ,let me give my life to you ,let me drown in your laughter ,let me die in your arms,let me lay down beside you ,let me always be with you. 让我来爱你吧,让我将一生托付给你,让我沉浸在你的欢乐中,让我陶醉在你的双臂弯里,让我偎依在你的身旁,让我们生死相随.
Come,live with me,and be my love . 来吧,与我在一起,做我的爱人。.
Comeaux packed pictures and frames into his car. Will he return to once musical New Orleans? 柯莫将相片和相框包好丢进车里。他会重返曾经乐声悠扬的纽奥良吗?

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