The Pentagon says it needs a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
五角大楼表示需要在近几周内补充资金以维持在伊拉克与阿富汗的战斗行动。 |
The Pentagon says it neend a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
五角大楼称为了继续巩固在伊朗克和阿富汗的成果,他们在未来几周需要新的资金注入. |
The Pentagon says only an “unclassified” e-mail system was breached, and has not identified the suspects.
五角大楼表示只有一个“非机密”的电子邮件系统受到破坏,并且没有透露涉嫌者的身份。 |
The Pentagon says terrorists may have the missing soldiers.
五角大楼表示他们很肯能落入恐怖份子之手。 |
The Pentagon stands strong and whole.
五角大楼岿然屹立,完好如初。 |
The Pentagon this week issued its long-awaited new Army Field Manual, forbidding all forms of torture and degrading treatment of prisoners by army personnel—though not the CIA.
本周五角大楼发布了期待已久的新版《陆军战场手册》,该手册明令禁止士官对战俘采取任何形式的酷刑或虐待——但不包括中情局。 |
The Pentagon's annual report to Congress says the country's consistent defense spending on aircraft, missiles and ships means China is ever closer to a longer-range military reach.
这份五角大楼致美国国会的年度报告说,该国家在战机、导弹和军舰上持续的国防花费意味着中国正在不断地向远程军事打击靠近。 |
The Pentagon, however, estimates China's military budget this year at 90 billion dollars.
但是五角大楼估计,中国今年的军事预算是900亿美元。 |
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said it had been flooded with calls from children, adults and even anonymous employees of Six Flags opposing the record-breaking contest and the overall promotion.
人道对待动物协会说他们已经收到大量来自孩子们、成年人、甚至是六旗员工的电话,抗议此次破纪录赛和整体宣传活动。 |
The People's Action Party presents the obvious characteristics of naturalness and initiative while meeting the challenge of political democratization, in other word, the PAP guides the process of political democratization initiatively.
人民行动党在选择回应政治民主化挑战的路径时呈现出明显的自然性与主动性特征,即人民行动党主动地、自觉地主导了政治民主化进程。 |
The People's Bank of China (PBoC), the central bank, has raised the minimum level of deposit that banks must keep in reserve to 7.5 per cent from 7 per cent from April 25, withdrawing around Rmb110bn ($13.3bn, ?11bn, £7.4bn) from the banking sector.
中国央行中国人民银行将从4月25日起,把银行最低存款准备金率从7%升至7.5%,此举将从银行体系回笼资金约1100亿元人民币(合133亿美元)。 |