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In the song, Chow uses Chinese drums, the zither and the flute to call up the spirit of Chinese Kungfu.

In the social sector, the prime determinant of rent levels remains the time a housing development was built. 在社区领域,租金水平的根本决定因素仍是房屋的建造时间。
In the social transformation of Beijing City in the modem times, although the traditional religious culture generally represented declining trend, but as the pillar of the national traditional culture, temple culture of Confucianism possessed deep fertile 在近代京城社会转型中,虽然传统宗教文化总体上呈衰退趋势,但作为民族传统文化的支柱,儒家宗庙文化具有深厚的生存沃土,汉化佛教仍具有顽强的生命力,道教信仰依然在民间社会繁衍流传。
In the socialism new rural reconstruction advancement, needs the villages and towns advancement electron government affairs, the transformation government function, enhances the administrative efficiency, reduces the administrative cost. 在社会主义新农村建设进程中,需要乡镇推进电子政务,转变政府职能,提高行政效率,降低行政成本。
In the society of the Eskimo, women are treated with indifference, but children are petted in every way. 在爱斯基摩人的社会中,女人倍受歧视,但人们对孩子却宠爱有加。
In the solar energy transfer and storage system, the isomerization of norbornadiene and quadricyclane is an important reaction. 摘要在太阳能转换与储存体系中,降冰片二烯光异构化合成四环烷是非常重要的一个反应。
In the song, Chow uses Chinese drums, the zither and the flute to call up the spirit of Chinese Kungfu. 这首歌,周杰伦用中国的鼓、铮和长笛唤起中国功夫的精神。
In the south of China sticky-sweet glutinous rice pudding called “nian gao” is served, while in the north the steamed dumpling jiaozi is popular. 在中国的南部,人们吃用粘米做成的,又粘又甜的“布丁”--中国人称为“年糕”,而中国北方,习惯吃蒸饺--“饺子”。
In the south people serve soup first, but in the north the order is the other way round. 在南方人们先上汤,但在北方顺序是倒过来的。
In the south the summers are warm with temperatures equaling those of southern Europe. 在南部,夏日是晴暖的,温度与南欧一样。
In the south, Japan is raising the detachment of troops stationed in Okinawa to full brigade status, about 2,500 soldiers. 在南方,日本日本提高了其驻扎冲绳的特种部队战备水平,达到了全旅满员,大概有2500名士兵。
In the south, moreover, the American-led coalition forces have devoted their energies to hunting al-Qaeda, neglecting the more prosaic but essential job of making life safer for ordinary people. 在南部,鸦片生产快速扩大,使农民受困于军阀统治和腐败滥行;此外,美国领导的联军忙于追查基地组织,忽视了为平民提供安全的生活这样普通却很重要的工作。

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