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They different in kind, not in degree.

They differ not only in shape but also in sheer size. 不光是外形,连大小都有很大的改变。
They differ widely in their opinions. 他们的意见分歧很大。
They differ widely on this point. 在这一点上他们的意见迥异。
They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract. 对于合同中这一条款的确切释义他们的看法互不一致。
They differed from each other in all aspects, from politics to language. 它们不仅各自为政,连文字也不相同。
They different in kind, not in degree. 他们是本质不同,而不是程度不同。
They dig in and determine what is going wrong, and fix the process. 他们深究并确定问题的症结所在,并修正这个过程。
They dig wells, help people improve farming techniques, build medical clinics and teach English. 他们挖水井、帮助人们改善农业技术、盖医疗诊所以及教英文。
They din't realise such habit would disturd others in the public. 他们没有意识到这种习惯会在公共场合干扰别人.
They dip their pens in our hearts and think they are inspired. 他们将笔浸在我们心里,以为获得了灵感。
They directed their most astringent attacks at me. 他们将严厉的攻击指向我。

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