This in and of itself insures that some humans shall indeed ascend with Earth to the next dimension, although it is a difficult journey.
这一来自自身与内部的支持和信息确保了部分成员将确实和地球一起提升到下一密度,尽管这是一趟艰难的旅途。 |
This in itself is naked deprivation [of rights].
这本身就是赤裸裸的剥夺。 |
This in itself should not detract from their value. After all parts of the Old Testament fall in the same category.
这本身不应对它们的价值有所毁损。不管怎么说,旧约的一部分也是这么来的。 |
This in not an all inclusive listing.
这个目录并未包含全部的标准。 |
This in total is what makes us successful!
这就是我们成功的重要因素! |
This in turn burdens coworkers who must work overtime to fill the gap. Employees who work too much overtime get stressed and increase absenteeism, perpetuating a vicious cycle further.
哈里斯互动的调查显示,2005年美国工人总共少休息了4亿2千1百万个休息日。 |
This in turn causes a more profound modification of the etched surface, e.g., due to roughening or amorphization.
这将导致对于刻蚀表面的严重修正,譬如粗糙度和非晶化。 |
This in turn could create a “greenhouse effect” that would stop heat from radiating back into space.
由此就可以产生温室效应,阻止热量散射回宇宙中。 |
This in turn creates a fertile environment for innovation to flourish—a vital attraction for a global financial centre.
人才的聚集为创新提供了良好的外部环境——这也是全球金融中心的优势所在。 |
This in turn had an effect on the food supply for wolves.
这有依次对狼群的食物供应产生了影响。 |
This in turn introduces Chinese literary theory into the global context by which Chinese literary theory has shaken off the trammels of the meta-narrative of historical totality but unfortunately entered three dilemmas: the disjunction between modern anxi
现代性西学东渐使中国文论进入全球化语境,在这一语境中,汉语批评摆脱了总体性历史元叙事的控制,但又遭遇到三方面的两难处境:现代性焦虑与自我认同的裂变、本体论接口与策略性接口的错位、源文件的压缩与应用程序的扩张。 |