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The reproduction turns out to be anatomically correct.

The reprimand from my supervisor sure took the wind out of my sails. 上司的申斥确实使我无言以对。(注:含有认为上司是先发制人或居高临下之意。)
The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside. 遭到责备的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁.
The reproduction of copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder is banned by law. 没有版权所有人的允许复制受版权保护的资料是法律所不允许的。
The reproduction of women's mothering is the basis for the reproduction of women's location and responsibilities in the domestic sphere. 母职的再生产对女人在家庭中的地位和责任的再生产起着基础性的作用。
The reproduction or use of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, and including republication as or in connection with instructional or training semina 除非出于培训目的而获特别授权,否则任何人,不论出于任何目的,都不能将此文件的任何部分以任何形式通过任何方式,如电子或机械印刷等,进行复制或传播,包括影印、抄录,或使用其他信息储存与回收系统。
The reproduction turns out to be anatomically correct. 尼安得塔尔人的名字来源于发现他们的尼安得塔尔山谷。
The reproductive level includes king and queen of Termites which have two pairs of wings, short hair and circular or elliptical head. 生殖阶层包括白蚁王及白蚁后均有两对长翅,短尾毛及圆形或椭圆形的头部。
The reproductive quality of audio tapes has improved enormously. 录音磁带的复制质量有了很大改进。
The reptile had swallowed an entire pregnant sheep and was too full to slither away and digest its supersize meal. 这个家伙完全吞下了一只怀孕的绵羊,以致于撑得无法移动。
The republic of China first year, the traditional product “Baijingyu eye medicine ” attained obtained the golden prize of the Panamanian Pacific International competitions. 民国初年,传统产品“白敬宇眼药“即获国际巴拿马赛会金奖。
The republic would, he said, “take certain necessary steps” to confiscate land from rural landlords. 他说新的共和国将要“采取必要的步骤”没收地主手中的田地。

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