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Article 20 Personal Insurance When conducting boxing, marathon, rock scaling, parachuting, gliding, hot-air ballooning, car-racing, motor-cycling and other sports contests with acute antagonism, extreme intensity or greater danger, the sponsor must take o

Article 20 Issue refers to the act of the issuer signing and issuing the instrument and delivering it to the payee. 第二十条出票是指出票人签发票据并将其交付给收款人的票据行为。
Article 20 Mining enterprises must establish and improve the safe production responsibility system. 第二十条矿山企业必须建立、健全安全生产责任制。
Article 20 No entity or individual may print or issue promissory notes as substitutes for Renminbi to circulate on the open market. 第二十条任何单位和个人不得印制、发售代币票券,以代替人民币在市场上流通。
Article 20 No individual or organization may unlawfully hold any document, material or other articles classified as State secrets. 第二十条任何个人和组织都不得非法持有属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品。
Article 20 No tender document may require or specify any specified producer or supplier or contain any other contents favoring or excluding intended bidders. 第二十条招标文件不得要求或者标明特定的生产供应者以及含有倾向或者排斥潜在投标人的其他内容。
Article 20 Personal Insurance When conducting boxing, marathon, rock scaling, parachuting, gliding, hot-air ballooning, car-racing, motor-cycling and other sports contests with acute antagonism, extreme intensity or greater danger, the sponsor must take o 第二十条(人身保险)举办拳击、马拉松、攀岩、跳伞、滑翔、热气球、汽车、摩托车和对抗剧烈、超大强度或者危险性较大的其他体育竞赛,举办人应当为参赛者办理人身保险。
Article 20 Reasonable administrative expenses paid by a foreign enterprise with an establishment or site in China to the head office in connection with production or business operations of the establishment or site shall be permitted to be itemized as exp 第二十条外国企业在中国境内设立的机构、场所,向其总机构支付的同本机构、场所生产、经营有关的合理的管理费,应当提供总机构出具的管理费汇集范围、总额、分摊依据和方法的证明文件,并附有注册会计师的查证报告,经当地税务机关审核同意后,准予列支。
Article 20 Schools shall organize various kinds of after-class sports activities, carry out after-class athletic training and competitions, and in light of specific conditions hold a school-wide sports meet every school year. 第二十条学校应当组织多种形式的课外体育活动,开展课外训练和体育竞赛,并根据条件每学年举行一次全校性的体育运动会。
Article 20 Tax authorities have the power to conduct inspections into the financial, accounting and tax payment affairs of enterprises with foreign investment and organizations or sites of foreign enterprises set up in the territory of China dealing in pr 第二十条税务机关有权对外商投资企业和外国企业在中国境内设立的从事生产、经营的机构、场所的财务、会计和纳税情况进行检查;有权对扣缴义务人代扣代缴税款情况进行检查。
Article 20 The Employer should deploy effective occupational-disease-prevention facilities and provide the laborers with the individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles. 第二十条用人单位必须采用有效的职业病防护设施,并为劳动者提供个人使用的职业病防护用品。
Article 20 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may enjoy other powers granted to it by the National People's Congress, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or the Central People's Government. 第二十条香港特别行政区可享有全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会及中央人民政府授予的其他权力。

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