This is because TBCDField uses the currency data type that has a fixed scale of 4 decimal places.
BCD字段类型使用了货币类型,这种类型是小数点后是4位数。 |
This is because a person will develop anti-bodies once being attacked by certain viruses and the anti-body stays in the serum.
通过观察抗体与被分离的非典病毒在有色的试剂里混合后的结果来进行有效确诊。 |
This is because a photon takes an increasingly long time to escape from the pull of the black hole to allow the distant observer to gain information on the object's fate.
这是因为一个光子获得了长时间来逃逸黑洞引力,就使得远距离观察者获得物体命运的资讯。 |
This is because a sprinter is not concerned with allocating energy to avoid lactate build-upbut rather has to maximize leverage to produce the greatest beneficial force.
这是因为短距运动员不必考虑“分配能量,避免乳酸堆积”他们只想着以最高的效率产生最大的有效推力。 |
This is because although atoms and subatomic particles are the building blocks of matter, when analyzing the universe on large scales one finds that the dominant force becomes gravity -- which is described using Einstein's general theory of relativity.
这是因为尽管原子和次原子粒子是建构物质的块,当大范围分析宇宙在时候,一个人就会发现支配力变为引力—它用爱因斯坦的广义相对论来描述。 |
This is because as Earth turns, air is pulled to the right in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, air is pulled to the left.
这是因为当地球转动时,北半球的空气被拉到左边,在南半球,空气被拉到右边. |
This is because as Earth turns, air(area) is pulled to the right in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, air(area) is pulled to the left.
这是因为当地球转动时,空气在北半球往右侧牵引,而在南半球,空气则往左侧牵引。 |
This is because each incarnation has less adverse karma, requiring less attention.
这是因为每一次轮回的不利羯磨在减少,所需要的关注也更少。 |
This is because each year million of smokers die from the habit.
这是因为每一年有数以百万计的瘾君子死掉。 |
This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit.
这是因为每年有数以百万计的烟民死于吸烟。 |
This is because feelings of uneasiness or stress can dominate your awareness, and because your own emotions can cloud your perceptions of other people's emotions.
在你感到自信、开心和放松的时候,肯定会比你在担忧或者是承受压力的时候做事情要容易。 |