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And this sudden outburst of anger caused the Chief Officer to suspect that Arakawa was not altogether innocent.

And this result was similar to the result of antagonism and morphological characters. 聚类分析结果与形态特征及拮抗试验结果基本一致。
And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about. 17他这事的风声就传遍了犹太,和周围地方。
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 12你们要看见一个婴孩,包着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了。
And this shift is happening around the world. 而且这种改变在世界各地都在发生。
And this stability allows investigators to track the goings-on in cells and tissues for longer intervals than can now be achieved. 这种稳定性让研究人员能够更长期地追踪细胞与组织的活动。
And this sudden outburst of anger caused the Chief Officer to suspect that Arakawa was not altogether innocent. 这阵突发的怒气使首席法官怀疑荒川不是完全无辜。
And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. 2这是居里扭作叙利亚巡抚的时候,头一次行报名上册的事。
And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered &quivered &quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas. 这十千个宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。
And this the voa special English health report , written by Kitty Weaver. 这里是美国之音英语健康报道,由凯迪.维尔撰写。
And this then gives additional credence to Tom Riddle's statement in CS. 而这点给汤姆?里德在《秘室》中的说法提供了额外的支持。
And this time doesn't without example. 而这次也不例外。

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