Mr Bush squeezed fast-track through the Republican Congress, but America infuriated its trading partners, making the Doha round much harder to negotiate.
布什想运用“快行道”通过共和党把持的国会,但这样会激怒其他贸易伙伴,使得多哈谈判变得更为艰难。 |
Mr Bush took to referring to him as “Rumstud”.
在外交场上他并非最精明的。 |
Mr Bush wants to preserve his broad tax cuts, while the Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich while offering relief for the upper-middle class by adjusting the alternative minimum tax.
布什希望坚持税率的大规模削减,而民主党人希望对富人提高税率同时通过调整最小税率为上中产阶级减轻负担。 |
Mr Bush warmly approves of Mr Abe's fence-mending with neighbours who had been antagonised by Mr Koizumi's provocative visits to Yasukuni, Tokyo's war shrine.
小泉纯一郎之前不顾一切参拜靖国神社,让日本跟邻国关系降至冰点,因此布什非常赞赏安倍对邻国采取“修复性外交”政策。 |
Mr Bush was rather good at bipartisan government when he needed to be, as governor of Texas in the 1990s.
布什先生作为得克萨斯在20世纪90年代的州长,当他需要的时候相当擅长两党派政府。 |
Mr Bush will probably have to swallow all this and more in the shape of, for instance, blocked trade deals.
布什总统可能不得不全盘接受这些提案,而且他还得摆出更积极的姿态,比如采取贸易保护措施来取悦民主党人。 |
Mr Bush would do well to focus now on pragmatism over ideology.
现在,布什可以把更多的精力放在实用主义,而不是观念和意识形态上了。 |
Mr Bush's clear re-election in November contrasted with a disputed win in 2000.
布什在11月份的总统大选中大获全胜,和他在2000年有争议地当选美国总统有很大的差别。 |
Mr Bush's veto does not kill stem-cell research.
布什的否决没有彻底封杀干细胞研究。 |
Mr Bush, a lame-duck president, would be a lame-duck president presiding over a lame-duck occupation.
作为蹩鸭总统的布什将会作为一个蹩鸭的总统来主持一个蹩鸭的占领。 |
Mr Bush, though, seems all but certain to opt for the policy of “surge”—a sharp, though temporary, increase in troop levels.
尽管布什总统洞悉这一切,但是他还是要反其道而行之,意欲出台“大规模增兵”政策——即暂时性地、大规模增兵来支援驻伊战场的作战部队(旨在迅速解决战斗)。 |