The University has outstanding advantages in research of mutation breeding with ionbeams, refractory materials, rubber and plastic moulds, and the treatment of cancer of the esophagus.
学校在离子束诱变育种、耐火材料、橡塑模具、食管癌研究等方面优势突出,处于国内领先、达到国际先进水平。 |
The University has sixteen academic departments.
该大学共有16个系。 |
The University is exhibiting part of its penjing collection, selected from its Man Lung Garden, at the Hong Kong Flower Show which opens today (16 March) at Victoria Park.
大学在每年一度的香港花卉展览中,展出「文农学圃」部份盆景珍品,让公众认识盆景艺术;学生组织中药学会亦展出部份香港常见、常用的鲜草药。 |
The University is income from externally funded research grants and contracts in 1996-7 totaled over £107 million.
学校在1996至1997年间从校外提供的研究基金与合同中得到的总收入逾一亿七百万英镑。 |
The University of Bedfordshire's Careers Service has been commended by the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) for incorporating skills into degree courses to make students more employable.
2006年9月,在最近的一份年报上,贝德福德大学职业服务中心获得来自英国毕业生就业咨询服务协会(AGCAS)的表扬,贝德福德大学将择业技巧融入日常学位课程中,使学生就业率获得极大地提高。 |
The University of Florida has two things to brag about this morning.
今天早上,佛罗里达大学有两件事值得夸耀。 |
The University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), as a leading provider of continuing education programmes, submitted 308 academic programmes and 674 independent modules to the government to be included in the list o
作为持续教育的先驱,香港大学专业进修学院(学院)向政府递交的可发还款项课程名单涵盖308项课程及674个独立单元,全部均获政府认可,列入持续进修基金可发还款项课程之列(见附表)。 |
The University of Hong Kong was established in 1911, it took Hong Kong's higher education into the new times; In the same year, Yat-Sen had taken China into the new generation, which the 1911 Revolution erupted, ended two thousand years of imperial rule i
香港大学于1911年创立,把香港高等教育带进了新时代;同年,辛亥革命爆发,推翻了中国二千年封建帝制,孙中山把中国带进了新的世代。 |
The University of Leipzig opens.
1409年,莱比锡大学成立。 |
The University of Miami found a lower HIV viral load in patients who took selenium supplements for nine months.
迈阿密大学的研究人员发现:连续9个月服用硒的病人的血液中HIV病毒含量较低。 |
The University of Michigan offers its students a choice of plans.
密歇根大学为学生提供许多方案以供选择。 |