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It's the soul of wit, you know.

It's the shop next to the coffee lounge. 咖啡厅旁边的商店。
It's the sixth most densely populated country in the world if you exclude some of the smaller ones. 世界人口最多的六国,如果排除一些较小的。
It's the sort of job you can't pigeonhole -- he seems to do different things every week. 这是一种你无法分门别类的工作-他似乎每星期都在做不同的事。
It's the sort of thing that happens when drug-addled warlords roam the countryside, imposing taxes of 50 percent on aid recipients. 当因毒品而变质腐败的军阀在乡下游走,对接受援助者强徵50%的税时,就会发生这种事。
It's the sort of well-worn, well-meaning phrase that we utter reflexively before hanging up the phone, anxious to do our friendship duty. 这是一种在我们在挂上电话之前条件反射说出来的,陈旧而好意、想急迫的尽到朋友义务的话。
It's the soul of wit, you know. 你知道,这是幽默的灵魂。
It's the spring wind that makes the tender grass tell softly.It's the wood that makes the birds cheep crisply.It's your sincere friendship that gives me song endlessly. 给小草以轻柔细雨的,是春风;给鸟儿以清脆啼声的,是树林;给我以唱不完歌的,是你那真挚的友情!
It's the strain of putting the job through that has told on me. 完成这项任务过于劳累,对我产生了影响。
It's the talk of England. 英国报纸报道,威廉王子与他的前女友复和。
It's the talk of the town that he met a rich widow a few days ago. 到处都在传说他几天前遇到了一位有钱的寡妇。
It's the teardrop for mother's funeral and his solitude. 他的泪珠滑落于母亲的葬礼与他的孤寂。

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