Article 19 Competent government departments and trade organizations shall, by itself or jointly, establish vocational schools or vocational training institutions, as well as arrange for, coordinate the efforts of and provide guidance to the enterprises an
第十九条政府主管部门、行业组织应当举办或者联合举办职业学校、职业培训机构,组织、协调、指导本行业的企业、事业组织举办职业学校、职业培训机构。 |
Article 19 Complimentary or samples of feeds/feed additives imported with approval, feeds/feed additives manufactured for own use, or those manufactured, processed or repacked on a consignment basis for experiment purposes shall not be offered for sale.
第18条(兼营饲料商饲料之储、陈)兼营饲料贩卖业者,应将饲料或饲料添加物与有害健康商品分别陈列、储存。 |
Article 19 Consumers of a mail order or door-to -door sale, if unwilling to purchase the goods received by them, may return the goods or notify in writing the business operators to rescind the purchase contract within 7 days upon receipt of such goods wit
第19条(邮购或访问买卖之解约)邮购或访问买卖之消费者,对所收受之商品不愿买受时,得于收受商品后七日内,退回商品或以书面通知企业经营者解除买卖契约,无须说明理由及负担任何费用或价款。 |
Article 19 Contraception shall play a main role in family planning.
第十九条实行计划生育,以避孕为主。 |
Article 19 Electric power enterprises shall strengthen the management on safe production, adhere to the principle of safety first and prevention prevailing, and set up and improve the responsibility system of safe production.
第十九条电力企业应当加强安全生产管理,坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针,建立、健全安全生产责任制度。 |
Article 19 Enterprises shall give priority to the adoption of clean production techniques that are instrumental to high efficient use of energy and to reducing the discharge of pollutants so as to decrease the generation of atmospheric pollutants.
第十九条企业应当优先采用能源利用效率高、污染物排放量少的清洁生产工艺,减少大气污染物的产生。 |
Article 19 Enterprises shall, in response to the demands of international and domestic markets, carry out technological transformation and equipment renewal, upgrade their scientific management level and assimilate and develop new technology so as to stre
第十九条企业应当根据国际、国内市场的需求,进行技术改造和设备更新,提高科学管理水平,吸收和开发新技术,增强市场竞争能力。 |
Article 19 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People's Congress, where necessary, the executive chairman of the presidium may call a session of the delegation leaders to hear the deliberation opinions of the
第十九条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,必要时,主席团常务主席可以召开各代表团团长会议,就法律案中的重大问题听取各代表团的审议意见,进行讨论,并将讨论的情况和意见向主席团报告。 |
Article 19 Goods imported by a foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area shall be stored in the warehouses and sites designated by the Customs within the bonded area, and the aforesaid enterprise shall keep specialized account books, and submit periodic
第十九条保税区外贸企业进口的货物应存入保税区内海关指定的仓库、场所,并建立专门帐册,定期列表报送海关核查。 |
Article 19 Highway maintenance fees should be exclusively used for highway maintenance purposes within the limits designated by the government.
第十九条养路费应当在国家规定的范围内专款专用。 |
Article 19 Husband and wife may come to an agreement whether the property incurred during the existence of marriage or prior to marriage to be owned by each party, to be jointly owned or partially owned by each party and partially owned by both parties.
第十九条夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。 |