In serosa infiltration group and without serosa infiltration group,the positive rates of VEGF-C were .% and .7% respectively(P<0.0),the positive rates of MMP- were 8. % and 7. % respectively(P<0.0). |
中文意思: 在未及浆膜层和浸润浆膜层两组中,VEGF-C的阳性表达率分别为.7%和.%(P<0.0),MMP-的阳性表达率分别为7. %和8. %(P<0.0)。 |
In relapse group carcinoma incisal margin tissues, DI is . ±0., SPF is 0.98± ., PI is . ± .7 respectively.
复发组切端DI为. ±0.,SPF为0.98± .,PI为. ± .7。 |
In resent years, many new congestion control protocols have been proposed: HSTCP, STCP, BIC-TCP, CUBIC-TCP, H-TCP and Fast-TCP.
这些年出现的比较优秀的拥塞控制端算法主要有:HSTCP、STCP、BIC-TCP、CUBIC-TCP、H-TCP和Fast-TCP。 |
In response, patients should undergo ultrasound guided prostate biopsy if PSAD exceed 0.8 ng/ml/cc, and it is necessary to take additional cores besides the standard sextant prostate biopsy if F/T ratio is lower than 0. .
当PSAD超过0.8μg/L应建议患者作前列腺穿刺活检,F/T比值小于0.则应增加穿刺点。 |
In secondary forest, the physicchemical variations of the springs are relatively stable with high conductivity that ranging from 99 to 0 μs/cm and high content ranging from 7 to 90mg/l.
在次生林条件下,泉水物理化学指标动态变化相对稳定:电导率较高,在99~0 μs/cm之间,钙离子浓度变化在7 ~90mg/l之间,岩溶作用强度较大; |
In series experiments,PMNs were depleted from the rabbit circulation by intravenous injection of mustine(.mg/kg) day before the experiment;
设立了两个系列的实验 :系列一 ,应用氮介 (mustine) ,.mg/kg ,实验前 天静脉注射 ,以耗尽循环血中的白细胞 ; |
In serosa infiltration group and without serosa infiltration group,the positive rates of VEGF-C were .% and .7% respectively(P<0.0),the positive rates of MMP- were 8. % and 7. % respectively(P<0.0).
在未及浆膜层和浸润浆膜层两组中,VEGF-C的阳性表达率分别为.7%和.%(P<0.0),MMP-的阳性表达率分别为7. %和8. %(P<0.0)。 |
In some theoretical articles, most study emphases are put on the relation between the right hand working and the timbre, but study of the influence of the left hand on the timbre in violin playing is very rare.
在过去的理论著作中 ,大多重视右手运弓与音质音色关系的研究 ,而关于左手对音质音色影响的研究涉及甚少。 |
In speech evaluation,there were VPC(8.8%), M(.%), VPI(.8%)in patients with pterygoid hamulus fracture after .7 months of follow-up in average.
凿断翼钩有完整评估资料的例患者中,平均随访.7个月,其中腭咽闭合(VPC) 例,临界(M)例,腭咽闭合不全(VPI) 例,分别占8.8%、.%和.8%; |
In spite of Schultz himself, his successive introductions to the theory of IMC are different.
一、对整合营销传播理论进行了系统化整理 |
In statins group, morbidity is 0.00%, mean body weight loss is .7±.9g,mean score of symptom is 0.8 ±.8, mean number of focus of infection is 9. ±.7, mean onset date is .00±.;
他汀治疗组发病率为0.00%,平均体重减轻.7±.9g,平均症状评分0.8 ±.8,平均病灶数9. ±.7,平均发病日期.00±.; |
In step-down test,diazepam( mg·kg ̄(-) po,h before training)was shown tosignificantly impair memory acquisition in mice.
用小鼠跳台法,于训练前h先po地西泮mg·kg ̄(-),对小鼠记忆获得有明显损害作用; |