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However in a heterogeneous society, there may not be a comparable goal.

However if you cut the sheet you will notice that the cross-section will be a much duller dark colour of gold (not shiny). 不过,如果你切开这样的软陶泥长片,就会发现切面部分的金属色会很深,而且没有了闪光的效果。
However if you have been unable to put your business or employment plans into operation we will expect you to provide evidence that you have taken all reasonable steps to become lawfully economically active. 如果你还没有商业计划的实施和被雇用,我们将期待你提供你已经采取所有的合理的步骤守法地进行经济活动的证民。
However if you have caching enabled, the output will be cached with the rest of the template. 但当打开缓冲设置时,该输出会被其它模板缓冲.
However if you like a challenge and have basic computer capabilities it is perfectly feasible that you can build your own site depending on just what you want it to be. 如果你自己掌握了一点电脑知识的话,你完全可以根据自己的需要来愉快的设计自己的网站。
However in ART.INI, the header is much more important – in most cases, this dictates the image file that the object will use. 然而,在art.ini文件中,片断头更加重要——在绝大多数情况下,它指定了该对象使用的图像。
However in a heterogeneous society, there may not be a comparable goal. 但是在一个多种族的社会,可能没有一个可相比较的目标。
However in my last class I was promoted to famous celebrity as all the students wanted me to sign their books. 不过在最后一节课我成了名人,所有的学生都要我在他们的书上签名。
However in order to change the fate of human history, larger groups must convene. 然而为了改变人类历史的命运,必须召集更大的群体。
However in the West it doesn't carry the negative connotation it does in Japan. 然而,在西方它并没有像在日本一样有负面的含意。
However in the case of a ship owned by a State and operated by a company which in that State is registered as the ship's operator, ownershall mean such company. 但如船舶为国家所有而由在该国登记为船舶经营人的公司所经营,“船舶所有人”即指该公司。
However indeed this is the blueprint for your future ancestors who live in colder climates, until earth has warmed enough to become a tropical oasis again from North to South Pole. 不过实际上这是你们未来后代生活在更冷气候下的蓝图,直到地球足够变暖,从北极到南极再次变为热带绿洲为止。

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