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Worshipis sometimes used in this sense in Catholic literature when referring to the veneration of the Blessed Virgin and other saints).

Workmeans the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License. 本著作意指在本合约之条款下所提供可受著作权保护之著作。
Working women have sophisticated tastes, but buying an evening dress is a very expensive proposition, and most people don't want to wear the same dress more than once. 白领女性都有着不俗的品味,但买晚礼服对她们来说太贵了,因为多数人都不愿意同一件衣服穿两次.
World Famousis a way of being, a choice of how to work and live. 「举世闻名」是一种存在的方式,一种如何工作和生活的选择。
World condemnation for China's inhumane killing of dogs. 中国的打狗行动已经轰动世界了,头版头条!
Worship is not going to some ecclesiastical building week by week, perhaps once or twice, to attend what is called Divine worship. 敬拜,并不是每周去一个教会建筑物,甚至每周两次,参加所谓的神圣敬拜。
Worshipis sometimes used in this sense in Catholic literature when referring to the veneration of the Blessed Virgin and other saints). “敬拜”这个词不时地以这种意义使用在天主教文学作品里面,是使用于对圣母玛丽亚和其他圣人的尊敬的时候。
Would Mr. Darcy then consider the rashness of your original intention as atoned for by your obstinacy in adhering to it? “那么,难道达西先生认为,不管你本来的打算是多么轻率卤莽,只要你一打定主意就坚持到底,也就情有可原了吗?”
Would the gospel preached to these Gentiles by church planters such as Paul be the gospel of (1) go to church, (2) read your Bible, (3) pray, (4) tithe, (5) be good, (6) fast, and (7) speak in tongues? 保罗对外邦人所传的福音,会不会是:(1)上教堂;(2)读经;(3)祷告;(4)守十一奉献;(5)有好行为;(6)禁食;(7)和说方言?
Would you believe that The Washington Post wrote a 746-word article on Hillary's cleavage?Ann Lewis, a top campaign official, said in a fund-raising e-mail. 竞选阵营高官安·刘易斯在一封筹款电邮中说:“大家相信吗?《华盛顿邮报》写了篇746字的文章,专谈希拉里的乳沟。”
Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? 8你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义吗?
Would you like a free calendar?Her bow mouth turned upward in a grin. “你想要本免费的日历吗?”她咧开弓形的嘴笑着,嘴角往上翘。

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