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To the latter, the role of methyl oleate in influencing the partition of surfactant in oil phase and aqueous phase competes with its adsorption role at the interface.

To the industry's delight, the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, visited a dairy farm last year and said his dream was that all Chinese drink half a litre of milk a day, especially schoolchildren. 为了让这个产业重新焕发出光彩,国务院总理温家宝去年在视察一家奶牛场时说道,他有一个梦,就是让所有中国人,尤其是学校的孩子,每天喝一斤奶。
To the investors and enterprises, it will carry out the same charge standard in water, electricity, heat, traffic and children's nursery and school entering with the local residents and enterprises in this district. 第二十三条:外来投资者和企业在用水、用电、供暖、交通及其子女入托、就学等方面的收费与本区居民和企业执行同一标准。
To the jaundiced eye , all things look yellow. 黄胆病人的眼睛里,什么都是黄的。
To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter, and to those bitten by mad dogs water causes fear; and to little children the ball is a fine thing. 得了黄疸病的人嘴是苦的,被疯狗咬了的人听到水就恐惧,对小孩子来说尽情玩乐是件好事。
To the last day they ministered to each other in the stillness, love given and received just by seeing each other. 直到那最后的一天,她们在静寂中互相安慰、在互相的注视中给予并接受着爱。
To the latter, the role of methyl oleate in influencing the partition of surfactant in oil phase and aqueous phase competes with its adsorption role at the interface. 而碱体系中,油酸甲醴影响表面活性剂在油水相分配从而影响界面张力;另一方面,油酸甲醴吸附在界面上顶替表面活性剂分子影响界面张力。
To the left and right of him objects immediately fall into disarray. 从他的左边到右边,物体无秩序地摆置。
To the left, the oranges placed on the low table and the windowsill are a reminder of an original innocence, of an age before sin. 在左侧,放置在窗台、茶几上的橙子象征着的少年的纯洁和天真无邪的岁月。
To the left-side of Baron Rivendares Slaughterhouse can be found a gate that leads to the sub-instance. 在瑞文戴尔男爵的屠宰场左侧可以发现一个进入隐藏区域的大门。
To the little boy s dismay, she said she would go. 令他沮丧的是,妈妈竟然答应去。
To the local investor share holding enterprises (foreign investment share is no less than 40%), of which fixed assets investment is above 100 Million (including 100 million or 12 million dollars), they have the priority of the arrangement for the plan tar 第十四条:对固定资产投资1亿元(含1亿元或1200万美元)以上并由本地投资者控股(外来投资股份不少于40%)的企业,优先安排农用地转用计划指标,土地费用的30%开发区财政暂缓征收,可延缓到投产经营之日起五年之后,从第六年起一次性缴纳。

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