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Because he is ill, he can't go to school.

Because he feels awake your self-respect. 因为他觉醒了你的自尊。
Because he had nine hundred iron chariots and had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried to the LORD for help. 3耶宾王有铁车九百辆。他大大欺压以色列人二十年,以色列人就呼求耶和华。
Because he had no pressing business at the moment, Professor Washington smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and proceeded to do the humble chore she had requested. 因布克·华盛顿那时正好没有紧急的事情,于是他微笑地卷起袖子,做了她要求的卑下的砍柴工作。
Because he had sinned secretly, slain Uriah, destroyed a household and taken Uriah's wife, he would experience the same in full repayment - evil in his house, the defiling of his wives and open condemnation. 因为他悄悄地犯罪,杀害乌利亚,毁人家庭,又娶乌利亚的妻,他将为此付出同样的代价-家中兴起祸患,把你的妃傧赐给别人,公开定罪。
Because he hath loosed my cord, and afflicted me, they have also let loose the bridle before me. 11松开他们的绳索苦待我,在我面前脱去辔头。
Because he is ill, he can't go to school. 因为他病了,所以他不能去上学。
Because he is ill, he will not go to school. 因为他病了,他不能去上学。
Because he is the Yankee fans love to hate, Rodriguez will be the subject of trade talks this winter despite him having a no-trade clause he isn't willing to waive unless the Yankees beg him to leave. 因为他是洋基球迷心中的头号战犯,因此成了交易的首要之选,虽然他的合约中有不能被交易的条款。
Because he is unable to distinguish colors, 因为无法分辨色彩,
Because he knows me, that's all. 因为区了解我,就系甘!
Because he liked the stereotype of the principal in the movie, walking in the halls with a baseball bat and a bullhorn. 这是因为他喜欢电影里那位一手拿着棒球棒,一手拿着扩音器在走廊里走来走去的校长的形象。

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