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LV Classifier is a new concept separator, which has been developed for vertical mill modification, to improve the gas and material flow in the vertical mill.

LUO Zhao-hua, DENG Jin-fu, HAN Xiu-qing. 1999. Magmatic Activities and Orogenic Process of Taihangshan Intraplate Orogen [M]. Geological Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese). 罗照华,邓晋福,韩秀卿.1999.太行山造山带岩浆活动及其造山过程反演[M].北京:地质出版社.
LUOYANG, China - Judge Li Huijuan happened to be in the courthouse file room when clerks, acting on urgent orders, began searching for a ruling on a mundane (ordinary) case about seed prices. I handled that case,Judge Li told the clerks, surprised that an 中国,洛阳-法院职员接到紧急命令,开始在法庭的文件室搜查一个很普通的关于种子价格的案子的判决结果,李惠娟法官正好在场,“那个案子我办的,”,她对这些职员说,很奇怪谁会对这个案子感兴趣。
LUUB is easy to disperse in rubber,thermosets and thermoplastics greases and printing ink.It will not lump or agglomerate in handing. LUUB易于分散在橡胶,热固性塑料及热塑性塑料,油脂,油墨中。凝结不结团。
LUXEON? K2 already supports a maximum current of 1.5A and with our focus on power LEDs we will continue to expand that operating range. K2已经支持了高达1.5A的驱动电流,并且伴随着我们对大功率LED的关注,我们会继续扩展这个范围。
LUXURIOUS TWO TONE SILK PAJAMA SET With contrasting Silk trim on Collar, front pocket and cuffs, elasticized waist on the long pants, fly opening. 时尚蚕丝睡衣2件一套:你还在等什麽?快快穿上这件简约设计、时尚的上衣及长裤,为你的时尚魅力加分。蚕丝布质、柔顺舒适,让你的她爱不释手。
LV Classifier is a new concept separator, which has been developed for vertical mill modification, to improve the gas and material flow in the vertical mill. LV选粉机是一种全新概念的物料分离设备,它能提高了立磨中的气流及物流速度,并且在立磨的改造中得到了广泛的应用。
LV Technology has developed this time the new concept cyclone, called LVC, which is used for down stream of mill outlet gas with smaller pressure loss and higher collection efficiency. 至今,LV技术已开发出称为LVC的新型概念旋风筒,它用于磨机出口,以较小的压降获得较高的收集效果。
LW: It's great, he's the best. 棒极了,他是最好的教练。
LWD: Long way of design measured from center of bond to center of bond. 长节距:从节点中心到节点中心的长的菱形对角线的长度。
LWY: For telecommunication lines, when its outside part uses optical fiber cable and at the entrance of building it is then changed to metallic line, such as twisted pair or coaxial cable. 关于电信线缆,当它的外部使用光纤电缆,而在建筑的入口处改成了金属电缆,如双绞线或同轴电缆。
LWY: In a building, how do we provide for protection against overvoltage switching? What are its origins and magnitude? How do we protect against it? 在一幢建筑里,我们如何防护过电压转换?它的来源和幅值是什么?我们如何防护它?

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