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The programme will be live video webcast.

The programme includes two Mozart sonatas. 节目单中有两首莫扎特的奏鸣曲.
The programme introduces Polluter Pays Principle, Producer Responsibility Schemeand different kinds of recycling industry. 内容包括简介「污染者自付」、「生产者责任计划」及各类型环保及循环再造工业等。
The programme is characterized by free form of structures and relatively standard audio-visual language . 文化栏目的结构呈多样化,而且电视语言比较工整。
The programme opened with the chorus of the old artists. 节目以老艺术家们的合唱开始。
The programme was given a trial run to gauge viewers' reactions. 该节目进行了试演以了解观众的反应.
The programme will be live video webcast. 本网页将视像直播。
The programme(=plan)is operated by the women of the area. 这项计划由这个地区的妇女负责实施。
The programmer agreed to this. 程序员同意了。
The programmer can enable/desable local drag and drop of list items inside the same control, automatic scrolling and the removing of dragged items from the source list. 程序员可以在同一控件中激活或禁用本地列表条目的拖放,从源列表框中自动滚动和删除被拖放的条目。
The programmer come up with a solution to the system problem. 程序员想出了一个解决系统问题的办法。
The programmer made no reply. 程序员没有回答。

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