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That is true of California in particular.

That is to say, the addresser should try to transmit the necessary information through as few words as possible. 也就是说,写信人应该用尽可能少的文字表达需要传递的信息。
That is to say, the parties have to sign the deed, affix a red seal (a small red wafer) next to their signatures, and exchange copies of the deed. 也就是说,契约各方须在一式两份的契约上签名、在签名旁盖上小红章(通常为一小片红色贴纸)及互相交换该契约。
That is to say; namely. 也就是说;就是
That is to vaccinate a pullet flock at least twice for IBD. 这就是:对青年鸡至少进行2次IBD免疫。
That is too heavy a box for me to carry upstairs. 那是太重的一只箱子,我不能把它搬到楼上去。
That is true of California in particular. 对加州而言,尤其如此。
That is unless the Spurs, who lost to Boston on Saturday ending their lengthy win streak, can get hot once again. 除非马刺(周六输给了波士顿结束连胜势头)能够再次发飙。
That is up from 55% in 2004 and the biggest proportion supporting dialogue since polling began in 1991. 此次投票结果从2004年的55%上升,并且此次是自1991年投票以来支持与古巴对话的人数最多的一次。
That is very important because the clean code, and ability to alter presentation, means that your site can be viewable by someone on a small mobile phone screen。 因为代码的精简是如此的重要,它可以随意的控制内容的表达方式和位置,因此,即使是在一个手机屏幕上,也可以很轻松的展现你的网页。
That is very important, no matter that all these players have reached a certain level in Europe or the National Team which they have won through a lot of games which are not possible to buy or get anywhere else. 这一点非常重要,无论这些球员在欧洲或是国家队通过其他地方没有的大量比赛达到什么样的水平。
That is very kind of you. Don't mention it. 你真好,谢谢您,没什么。

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