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To some extent, China's population growth has been brought under control in the past 30 years, with a steady growth of 100 million people every seven years, postponing China's 1.3-billion Population Day by four years.

To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and special education in no case can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. 在一定程度上讲,我们的智力是天生的,而任何的特殊教育都不能把一个弱智的儿童培养成天才。
To some extent that water has been treated as a security issue in some countries. 水的问题在某种程度上已被一些国家视为一个日益突出的安全问题。
To some extent the coup was related both to the crisis of legitimacy of Thaksin government and to the insufficiency of democracy of Thailand. 这次政变的爆发,与他信政府在利益、道德等方面发生一定程度的合法性危机有关,也与泰国民主发展不完善,即民主的尴尬有关。
To some extent you are correct. 在某种程度上你是正确的.
To some extent, China's embrace of the car has been a predictable result of growing urban affluence. 就某种程度而言,中国汽车的“泛滥”是都市不断繁荣的必然结果。
To some extent, China's population growth has been brought under control in the past 30 years, with a steady growth of 100 million people every seven years, postponing China's 1.3-billion Population Day by four years. 在某种程度上,在过去的30年里中国的人口增长得到了有效控制,基本上稳定在每七年增长壹亿左右,使中国人口达到13亿的年度推迟了4年。
To some extent, Chinese materia medica are multi-locus directional gene regulators, and it is difficult to get to complete understanding of the pharmacological mechanism of Chinese medicine on the gene level in decades of years, for the complicated ingred 从其中的一个角度来看,中药是一种多位点定向或定点改变基因表达的技术;但是中药成分复杂,系统庞大,很难在几十年的时间内实现在基因水平上对中药的全面理解;而西药已经把基于基因网络和细胞信号传导系统结构的药物设计方法变成了常规技术。
To some extent, Guangzhou is the most ideal city in my mind. 从某种意义上来说,广州是我心目中最理想的城市。
To some extent, I missed my student life more. 从某种意义上来说,我更加怀念我的学生生活。
To some extent, my father is my teacher. 从某种意义上来说,我的父亲就是我的老师。
To some extent, that was man's fault. 一定程度上,这也是人类的错误。

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