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Construction of HPLC began at the end of 2003.

Construction crews are working around-the-clock to build the tram system, which will link city center to seaside venues. 建筑工人正夜以继日地建造从中心城区连向海边比赛场馆的此项有轨交通系统。
Construction in Bai Sha Town in Henan Province. 湖南省白沙镇的工地。
Construction in the United States continues to be a bellwether of the economy. 美国的建筑业继续保持经济领头羊的地位。
Construction in the energy sector was further intensified. 例10.能源建设继续加强。
Construction monitoring is an important ensuring measnre for safe construction of slab.Monitoring can examine the reasonableness of design and construction. 施工全过程监测成果检验了桥梁的设计和施工方法的合理性,也为今后同类工程提供了极有价值的第一手资料。
Construction of HPLC began at the end of 2003. 河北泛亚龙腾建设工作始于2003年底。
Construction of a floating bridge will allow more traffic between Inner Mongolia and Ningxia's steel and power plants. 内蒙和宁夏交界处正在修建一座浮桥,这样宁夏的钢铁厂和内蒙的电厂之间就可以有更多的物资运输。
Construction of ecological environment forest, urban protection forest, water and soil conservation, production and comprehensive utility and development of nursery stock. 生态环境林、城市防护林建设,天然林资源保护,水土保持,林业苗木生产及综合利用开发等。
Construction of fictional views of reality that the populace is coerced into believing. 描写大众被胁迫去相信对现实虚构观点。
Construction of harmonious society is the dialectical unity of economic comstruction and social development based on all-round development of human beings. 和谐社会的构建,是以经济建设为中心的经济发展与社会发展的辩证统一,是以人的自由而全面发展为根本价值目标。
Construction of jigs and fixtures, Knitting and drafting machines, mesh-making machines or Jacquard machines are only some things, which belong to the area of activity of HAMMERS MASCHINENBAU GMBH. 该集团充分准备好意大利、出口商、提花机、提花织物以及法国和提花机范围内进行建议咨询的信息。请您针对韩国、织布机和机器制造等其它商务范畴拨打垂询电话+86(21)6294-7953。

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