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This will avoid the trouble of hand operation and protect people's eyes by its special fuction of maintaining the light stability under fluctuate voltage.

This will allow us to be closer to the management and operations of some of ABB's largest customers. 这一搬迁使得关键的部门管理更靠近众多位于该地区的油气、石化和能源工业客户的工厂和总部。
This will allow you time to find your own style, which is the key to consistancy and profitability. 这能使你最终形成自己的一套交易方法,而且也是稳定赢利的关键。
This will allow you to underline text in any color like MS does when words are misspelled. You can accomplish this with any standard edit control (textbox, combobox ect. 这个程序允许你像MS一样,在词语拼错时可用任何颜色为文本增加下划线。你能使用任何一个标准的编辑控件(文本框,组合框等等)实现这一功能。
This will almost certainly strengthen the Democratic Party's will to resist the president. 几乎可以肯定的是,这将增强民主党反抗总统的意愿。
This will also avoid that the widget converter and field validator get out of sync. 这也将会避免部件转换器和域校验器不同步。
This will avoid the trouble of hand operation and protect people's eyes by its special fuction of maintaining the light stability under fluctuate voltage. 即可减少手动调光的麻烦,又可以保护视力,同时,它具有稳光功能,当电源电压波动时,台灯亮度保持不变。
This will be a feast for eyes. 这将是极大的视觉享受/这将是一场视觉的盛宴。
This will be a good job if you can stick it out for the first year. 如果第一年你能坚持下来的话,这将会是个好工作。
This will be a learning by doing workshop. 这是从实做中学习的研讨会。
This will be a logical connection through computer networks and data transfer. 这将是一种通过计算机网络和数据转移的逻辑连接。
This will be a long war, and unprecedented challenges await us. 这将是一场旷日持久的战争,史无前例的挑战等待着我们。

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