Moral and Civics Education Group organised various activities each year. The opening ceremony of this academic years' activities was held by our principal, vice-principal, teacher concerned and our environmental prefects.
德育及公民教育小组每年均筹办不同类型的活动,培养同学的公民意识及关顾同学的个人成长。本年度的主题为「爱护环境」。图为本年度德育及公民教育周活动的开幕礼。 |
Moral corruption is the forerunner of national decline.
道德败坏是民族衰落的先兆。 |
Moral curriculum is of the essence, the basic function and the reality function of curriclum. At the same time, it has its particularity, such as aims, content, implementation, and evaluation.
摘要德育课程具有课程的本质,同时也具备课程的本体功能和基本功能,因此,德育课程应该属于课程範畴。但另一方面,德育课程又在课程目的、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价上具有自身的特殊性。 |
Moral development overlooked, neglected education in patriotism, the ambition of being ignored by the full-blooded attack Is this good or bad?
道德培养被忽略,爱国主义教育被忽略,志气的培养被忽略,热血沸腾的被打击,这究竟是好还是坏? |
Moral dilemma and moral luck as problems; search for a moral theory; fact and value; character and action; Hobbes; examination of local cases.
道德的两难局面及巧合情况、道德理论的探索、事实与价值、品格与行为、霍布士、本地个案的研究方法。 |
Moral disapproval; condemnation.
道义上不允许;非难 |
Moral education aims at promoting students' moral development, while moral conflict is an inevitable part and inner motive power of the development.
摘要道德教育的目的是促进学生的道德发展,而道德冲突是学生道德发展的必经环节和内部动力。 |
Moral education and mental health education have some connections as well as differentiation.
摘要德育与心理健康教育既有区别,又有联系。 |
Moral education enjoys priority in Confucius's cultivation of talents.
孔于培养人才首先注重的是德育。 |
Moral education is the infrastructure of higher learn-ing.
道德教育是高等知识的基础。 |
Moral education should not only cultivate moral elements, but also set up correct value goal.
既要培养基本的道德单元,又要确立正确的价值取向系统,这就是道德教育的双重任务。 |