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A policeman goes to a house to investigate a report of a robbery and finds a little old grandmother standing next to a very large, muscular robber tied up on the ground.

A police spokesperson said: This is such a shame. This man broke free twice under our supervision and has not been found yet. 一名警方的发言人说:“这真是让人感到羞耻。这个家伙居然两次在我们的眼皮底下逃了出去,现在还是不知所踪。”
A police station has also disappeared into the giant 100-metre-deep fissure. 同样消失在这个深达100米的地洞中的还有一座警察局。
A police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street. But officer,the man said, I can explain. 一位在街上开摩托车的人被警察拦住了。他对警察说“警官,我可以解释。”
A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. 一个警察走过来告诉吉米,他应该走一条小路,因为江泊阻碍了交通。
A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day. 警察在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险。
A policeman goes to a house to investigate a report of a robbery and finds a little old grandmother standing next to a very large, muscular robber tied up on the ground. 一名警察去到一间屋子调查一件抢案,发现一位又老又瘦小的婆婆,站在一个高大、健壮但却被绑住的抢匪旁边。
A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day. 有个便衣警察整天秘密监视那个罪犯.
A policeman on a street corner eyed him suspiciously. 街角的警察怀疑地注视着他。
A policeman sees much of the seamy side of life. 警察看见很多生活的背后面。
A policeman shadowed the suspect for a week. 一名警察盯梢这名嫌犯一个礼拜了。
A policeman stopped a car because he thought the car was overspend. 一位警察挡住了一辆汽车,因为他认为那辆车超速了。

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