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Article 40 The workers shall have the right to consult or copy their own archives of occupational health surveillance.

Article 40 The People's Bank of China shall, within three months after the end of every accounting year, compile balance sheets of its assets, statements of profit and loss and relevant financial and accounting reports, prepare its annual report and publi 第四十条中国人民银行应当于每一会计年度结束后的三个月内,编制资产负债表、损益表和相关的财务会计报表,并编制年度报告,按照国家有关规定予以公布。
Article 40 The bid assessment committee shall assess and compare all bid documents in accordance with the bid assessment standards and methods set in the tender documents and; if there is a base bid price, shall take it as reference. 第四十条评标委员会应当按照招标文件确定的评标标准和方法,对投标文件进行评审和比较;设有标底的,应当参考标底。
Article 40 The jurisdictional framework of those enterprises and public institutions servicing workers which are subordinate to trade unions shall not be altered arbitrarily. 第四十条工会所属的为职工服务的企业、事业单位,其隶属关系不得随意改变。
Article 40 The people's court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone. 第四十条人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。
Article 40 The people's police shall practise the wage system of the State public servants, enjoy the police-rank allowances and other allowances and subsidies, as well as the insurance and welfare benefits as prescribed by the State. 第四十条人民警察实行国家公务员的工资制度,并享受国家规定的警衔津贴和其他津贴、补贴以及保险福利待遇。
Article 40 The workers shall have the right to consult or copy their own archives of occupational health surveillance. 第四十条劳动者有权查阅、复印其本人职业健康监护档案。
Article 40 Units that discharge fetor into the atmosphere must take measures to prevent the pollution of neighboring residential areas. 第四十条向大气排放恶臭气体的排污单位,必须采取措施防止周围居民区受到污染。
Article 40 Upon deliberation of the draft law by the Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall make further amendment based on the comments made during deliberation by members of the Standing Committee, and shall present a voting version 第四十条法律草案修改稿经常务委员会会议审议,由法律委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行修改,提出法律草案表决稿,由委员长会议提请常务委员会全体会议表决,由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。
Article 40 Water rights extinguish upon the expiration of the approved duration. 第40条(水权之消灭与展限登记)水权于核准年限届满时消灭。
Article 40 When a legal person terminates, it shall go into liquidation in accordance with the law and discontinue all other activities. 第四十条法人终止,应当依法进行清算,停止清算范围外的活动。
Article 40 Where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at a fixed period after sight, the holder thereof shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance within one month after the date of issue. 第四十条见票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起一个月内向付款人提示承兑。

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