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A Complete Consequence of the Solutions of Kendall 's Problem

A Comparative Study on the Literary Viewpoint of Allan Poe and Whitman 爱伦·坡和惠特曼文论观点之比较研究
A Comparative Study on the Production Potential of the Agricultural Natural Resources across Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡两岸农业自然资源生产潜力比较研究
A Comparision of Verbal Indicative Affixes -mbi,-mui(-müi),and -mu(-mü) in Manchu and Mongolian 关于满语和蒙古语动词陈述式词缀-mbi和-mui(-müi)、-mu(-mü)的比较
A Comparison of Er∶YSGG Laser, CUSA, and Rongeur in Calcific Aortic Valvuloplasty 激光、外科超声震荡器、咬骨钳对主动脉瓣成形的比较
A Comparison of Thinking Methods Between China and West ——An Analysis to Hongfan in Shangshu and Categories in Organon 中西思维方式的比较——对《尚书·洪范》和《工具论·范畴篇》的分析
A Complete Consequence of the Solutions of Kendall 's Problem Kendall问题的通解结构
A Comtrastive Study on the Traditional Pragmatic Account of Irony and the Echoic Interpretation Theory of Irony 传统反语语用观与回应理论的对比研究
A Conclusion on Convegence of Overton's Algorithm Overton算法收敛性的一个结论
A Congnitive Linguistic Approach to Stylistic Read-outness 文体读出性的认知阐释
A Corpus-based Study on the Uses of “Drunk”and“Drunken” 以语料库为依托的“Drunk”和“Drunken”用法研究
A Critical Dreamer's Murmuring and the Criticism toward the Murmuring 批评的“呓语”与“呓语”的批评——对傅修海批评迟子建的批评

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